
Teacher: You know, now that they are both 18, we can rape them, and it wouldn’t be considered statutory.

2 Stewart Place
Eastchester, New York

Overheard by: Johnnymunz

Woman: I’d like to pay my cell phone bill, but it’s in my son’s name and I don’t have the password to see it online. So, I need to know how much it is.
Employee: You can’t pay it without his authorization. I can’t tell you how much it is.
Woman: He can’t authorize anything, he’s incarcerated.
Employee: Well, we’ll need a copy of the obituary or the death certificate.
Woman: What? He’s incarcerated! [pause] He’s in jail.
Employee: Oh.

Frederick, Maryland

Defendant: Judge, my probation officer says I was drinking. I told him I wasn’t! I told him he could blow me.

111 South Michigan Avenue
Saginaw, Michigan

Doctor to inmate: So what are they accusing you of this time?
Inmate: Oh, they're not accusing me, I did it.

County Jail Medical Office
Evansville, Indiana

Overheard by: Molly

Smart girl: Okay, that guy was nice but really kind of creepy.
Girl: Yeah, but he seemed harmless enough.
Smart girl: Sure, but so did Ted Bundy.
Girl: Oh I love that guy!
Smart girl: Wait… what?
Girl: He's the one on Married with Children, right?

Omaha, Nebraska

Overheard by: glad my gf is the smart one

Blonde coworker: But that's the problem with this country, people are lazy now, never put any thought or effort into anything. They're sloppy. Like, some guy passed a bank teller a “this is a holdup” note on the back of his damn pay stub from his job. I can't respect that kind of stupidity.
Manager: You know what? You would be a really good criminal. I mean that as a compliment.
Blonde coworker: I know, right? It's almost scary. I'd never get caught.

Chelmsford, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Not sure I want to sit by her anymore

Attorney #1: The governor suggested that everyone not evacuating write their social security number on their arm in indelible ink. I’m going to go through our database and tattoo the SSN of our richest client on my chest with my children as beneficiaries.
Attorney #2: You better get that tattoo on your ass because you’re going to be floating face down in the floodwater.

8555 United Plaza Boulevard
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Office girl to cube mates: I didn't talk to my fiance at all last night, he was harvesting organs. Apparently they just go in and start yanking like five minutes after somebody dies. Okay, well, now I'm going to go buy him a gun.

St Louis, Missouri

Ghetto chick: Girl, I don’t want to rob a grocery store lookin’ like this.

Jackson, Mississippi

Part time girl: Isn't it illegal to work five days in a row?
Coworker: That's what normal people do.
Part time girl: Oh…that sucks.

Sacramento, California

Overheard by: Nicole