Physical Appearance

Receptionist: What are the new shirts made out?
Clerk: They’re 100% cotton.
Receptionist: Cotton? That’s the stuff that grows on sheep, right?
Clerk: No, cotton comes from rabbits. That’s why they’re called cottontails.

10 Miles South of Battle Mountain
Battle Mountain, Nevada

Co-worker #1: Didn’t you wear that shirt two days ago?
Co-worker #2: Huh? What? I don’t know…
Co-worker #1: Yeah, I remember you had that sweater on a couple of days back.
Co-worker #2: Did you look that up on Oh wait, it kicks back to another site,

460 West 34th Street
New York, NY

Co-worker: Okay, thanks…Hey…Are you wearing white pants? Wow. You are. This is like…some kind of day. I never seen a man wearing white dress pants here before.

350 Madison Avenue
New York, NY

Co-worker: Stop putting on your makeup at work! Do it on the subway, like normal people!

1250 Broadway
New York, NY

Employee #1: Wearing the pinstripe today, eh? Real banker-like.
Manager: Yeah, makes me work harder. But you should see me at 4:30. I’ll be wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and working the park.
Employee #1: Pardon?
Manager: I’ll be selling hot chocolate.
Employee #2: Is that your name there or the product you’ll be selling?

3 King Street S
Waterloo, Ontario


Co-worker #1: Oh, you look nice. Are you going somewhere?
Co-worker #2: No, I just never went home last night.

2105 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, California

Boss on phone: All the invitations said black tie, so I bought a white shirt and a black tie and wore that.

8800 West Sunset Boulevard
West Hollywood, California

Overheard by: Cpt. Rombone

Suit #1: Over on 49th, there’s a truck parked with a bunch of girls dancing in bikinis. It’s to promote Cancun.
Suit #2: For you it’s to promote a heart attack.

383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY

Co-worker #1: I’m getting restless. I feel like I wanna go running or something.
Co-worker #2: It’s awful cold out there.
Co-worker #1: Well, plus, I’m wearing a suit, huh?
Co-worker #2: Ever see that movie Falling Down?

1241 South Wabash Avenue
Chicago, Illinois

Co-worker #1: You’re really getting good at that.
Co-worker #2: Yeah, but I keep thinking the little running chef in
BurgerTime looks disturbingly like Jim Cramer.
Co-worker #3: Can’t you at least pretend you’re working?

250 West 55th Street
New York, NY

Overheard by: MadMoney