
Boss: She’s gone? And you’re not going to be here tomorrow?
Secretary: Correct.
Boss: But I need counseling.
Designer: I agree!

175 South Third Street
Columbus, Ohio

Worker #1: I made copies of these forms and highlighted what areas need to be filled out and why.
Worker #2: Oh, that’s nice. I already know how to fill these forms out, but I need a guide.

221 West 21st Street
Lorain, Ohio

Co-worker #1: I really want to go get a cookie from the food cube, but [Anne’s] using the computer in there
Co-worker #2: Well, go get one anyway. And tell her to pull her pants

127 Public Square
Cleveland, Ohio

Sales: You quoted 3 different prices to this customer.
CEO: You’re not calling me an idiot, are you?
Sales: I’m saying that having been given all the facts you made 3 incompatable decisions.
CEO: That’s sufficiently blameless.

12819 Coit Road
Cleveland, Ohio

Designer: So I took the dead cat by the tail and chucked it over the fence and I thought, “Man. If the people at work could only see what a bumpkin I am.”

312 Plum Street
Cincinnati, Ohio

Worker #1: Must be nice to have so much time to put up all these friggin christmas decorations.
Worker #2: You have time. You just never decorate.
Worker #1: That’s right, everyone knows not to touch my area. I’d be pissed if they did.
Worker #2: Hmm…wait till tomorrow, I think I’ll piss you off with some holiday cheer.
Worker #1: Go ahead, I’ll just take it down. What a waste My husband does that crap at home too!

3949 Jefferson Road
Ashtabula, Ohio

Co-worker #1: And with my right hand out of commission, you know what I figured out I couldn’t do last night?
Co-worker #2: Uh…
Co-worker #1: Yeah.

175 South Third Street
Columbus, Ohio

Student: Can you back up my papers and stuff?
Technician: Sure, how much is there?
Student: About four gigabytes…it’s mostly porn but there are some papers mixed in there somewhere.

16 Petrarca Drive
Kent, Ohio

Banker: You can’t leave your coffee cup on the edge of my desk. A client almost drank out of it today.
Secretary: You know you want to lick my rim.

2 South Main Street
Youngstown, Ohio

Co-worker #1: I’m really tired this morning.
Co-worker #2: Why don’t you try Red Bull?
Co-worker #1: That stuff doesn’t work for me.
Co-worker #2: Well, have you ever tried it without the vodka?

2783 Lancashire Road
Cleveland Heights, Ohio