
Co-worker: I think my computer just froze up. The mouse pointer won’t move on the screen.
Supervisor: Did you check the batteries?

1350 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts

Co-worker: Where the fuck are the urinals?
Stall: Wrong bathroom, buddy.

1055 North Cruise Boulevard
Port of Miami, Florida

Overheard by: WordPower

Co-worker #1: Oh, you have some good supplies. Anything I can steal?
Co-worker #2: Uh, you can have some markers.
Co-worker #1: No, that’s okay; I’ve got markers up the ass.

633 North St. Clair Street
Chicago, Illinois

Co-worker: Ew, I just walked through someone’s fart cloud.

4575 Ruffner Street
San Diego, California

Overheard by: Olivia Gomez

Meeting Lead: The customer wanted another dropdown here for more detail. They have “Category” and “Sub-Category” but they want another one below “Sub-Category”. I suggested “Sub-Sub-Category”.

11 East Superior Street
Duluth, Minnesota

Co-worker: Did you know every conversation we have in here, we aren’t supposed to have?

Sullivan Barracks
Mannheim, Germany

Department Head: So, can we update your job description tomorrow morning?
Employee: No, I have a color correction session to attend.
Department Head: Well, I notice you don’t take lunch. You’re usually at your desk. What about then?
Employee: I do take lunch. I just eat at my desk and read a book or something.
Department Head: Well, how about doing something more productive with that time? Do you want to meet then?
Employee: No.

6423 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California

Help Desk #1: If I’m going down it ain’t gonna be for rocks. It’ll be a bank or something.
Help Desk #2: Or manure.

1900 East 9th Street
Cleveland, Ohio

Co-worker #1: Do you guys know anybody with bad teeth?
Co-worker #2: I have pretty bad teeth.
Co-worker #1: No, somebody young.
Co-worker #2: So I have bad teeth and I’m old?
Co-worker #1: No, it’s for an anti-meth advertisement.
Co-worker #2: Well, I know people with bad teeth, but they’re all meth-heads.

78 Clinton Street
New York, NY

Junior Partner: I’m leaving at noon today because I think I put my underwear on backwards this morning.
Senior Partner: I really don’t know how to respond to that.

319 West Woodlawn Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky

Overheard by: Tuck Tabler