Supervisor: Boy, that was one killer party! I’ve never kissed so many butts at once in my life!
640 5th Avenue
New York, NY
Supervisor: Boy, that was one killer party! I’ve never kissed so many butts at once in my life!
640 5th Avenue
New York, NY
Specialist: He thought it was “unfair” that we’d charge him a fee for cashing out his certificate before the maturity date.
Boss: He’s lucky he was talking to you. I’d have told him, “I had to put my cat to sleep last night; that’s unfair.”
2929 North Mayfair Road
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Co-worker #1: I can’t believe that they fired that temp.
Co-worker #2: Yeah, he wasn’t working very hard and he was goofing off.
Co-worker #1: That’s not very fair. By the way, do you have the new football pool sheet? I lost mine.
4950 College Boulevard
Leawood, Kansas
Overheard by: Ron Zinn
Web Developer: Nobody ever made money off the internet with a business model that required two hands!
845 High Street
Palo Alto, California
Manager: Good morning ladies. What are you whispering about?
Secretary #1 & #2: You.
11909 Spencer Road
Houston, Texas
Co-worker #1: Make sure you eat some of the leftovers from the potluck.
Co-worker #2: Okay.
Co-worker #1: And you’d better hurry before [Nick] and [Sara] get in there and stuff their faces. They give pigs a bad name.
10011 109th Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Worker: So the Christmas party is mandatory?
Boss: Of course not, but if you don’t show you’ll probably be ostracized.
Worker: …And I have to sign a waiver to drink?
Boss: Do you think a company of lawyers would let everyone drink, then drive, and not cover their asses?
962 Coronado Boulevard
Universal City, Texas
Co-worker #1: And with my right hand out of commission, you know what I figured out I couldn’t do last night?
Co-worker #2: Uh…
Co-worker #1: Yeah.
175 South Third Street
Columbus, Ohio
Secretary: I can’t talk to her any longer. She’s so disrespectful.
Boss: …Really.
Secretary: Yes! Can you please talk to her ’cause I’ve had enough.
Boss: Well, since we’ve been acquired by the new company, they’re really big on that.
Secretary: Huh?
Boss: You know. Respect. It used to be a lot easier around here.
1775 Broadway
New York, NY
Co-worker #1: I don’t understand why she had to take her birthday off. I mean, if it’s just your birthday and you’re not doing anything special, what’s the point?
Co-worker #2: Yeah, I’d only take the day off if it was my birthday and I had cancer.
147 Columbus Avenue
New York, NY
Overheard by: Eve S. Dropper