
Volunteer #1: Man, Chipotle is so good, man!
Volunteer #2: Yeah, except it makes you have to go to the bathroom because of the hot sauce…
Volunteer #1: I's okay, man, you just take a Game Boy into the bathroom with you. Kills like a half hour.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Admin: We’re going to miss you around here.
Employee: Well, I’d like to say that I’ll miss being around here, but that would be untrue, so I’m not going to say it.

6111 Oak Tree Boulevard
Independence, Ohio

Cube rat #1: Hey, is that light bothering you? It's driving me crazy.
Cube rat #2: No, it's not.
Cube rat #1: Really? I can't stand it.
Cube rat #2: Yeah, I know, that's why I like it.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Greasy suit as his chili is served: … And that’s exactly why I go in to get colonics.

Skyline Chili
Cincinnati, Ohio

Boss: I’ve got part of the Kama Sutra on my wall.
Employee: Do we need to talk to H.R.?

175 South 3rd Street
Columbus, Ohio

Coworker: It's so cheesy–the dong. It's like “here, hit the dong! We're not giving you a raise, but you get to hit the dong.”

Dublin, Ohio

Overheard by: MissTW

Bible-thumping coworker: It’s my son’s 35th birthday today. I can’t believe my oldest is going to be 35.
Normal coworker: Oh? How many children do you have?
Bible-thumping coworker: Let’s see… I have three biological and one spiritual. But we’re much more than spiritual, really. It’s like we have this connection.
Normal coworker, to herself: Riiiiight.

100 Main Street
Cincinnati, Ohio

Creative director: Alright, nice work, guys.
Designer: Before you leave, can I grab you real quick–
Creative director: Depends on where.

312 Plum Street
Cincinnati, Ohio

Dude: If you really want to save money on gas then you should get a hybrid car.
Chick: Hybrid? Does that mean it runs on electricity?
Dude: Uh…yeah
Chick: Well what happens when the sun goes down?

317 West Main Cross Street
Findlay, Ohio

Overheard by: Crut

50-year old guy #1: I don't want to be here.
50-year old guy #2, passing by: Just shit your pants. Nobody likes working with you if you have shitty pants.

Rocky River, Ohio