Peon #1: Why is Laura gone already?
Peon #2: She had some medical stuff done today, I believe through the rectum, so she went home.
1441 West Long Lake Road
Troy, Michigan
Peon #1: Why is Laura gone already?
Peon #2: She had some medical stuff done today, I believe through the rectum, so she went home.
1441 West Long Lake Road
Troy, Michigan
Temp: This person gave their email address as being at “hotmail.con”. Should I enter it as “”?
Employee: No, put whatever is on the application.
1776 West Lakes Parkway
West Des Moines, Iowa
CCA: My Excel’s not working.
Manager: I don’t care.
CCA: What should I do if my Excel’s not working and you don’t care?
Manager: Call the Ghostbusters.
2 Charlotte Street
Sackville, New Brunswick
Employee: Do you always have to act like a child?
Manager: This company is all about innovation. And studies have consistently shown that the most innovative thought comes from the ages of five and under.
31601 Pacific Hwy South
Federal Way, Washington
Employee #1: I don’t know what to write.
Employee #2: How about, “I’m surprised you cheap skanks chipped in ten bucks a piece”?
Employee #1: …I was thinking more, “I am sure I will get a lot of use out of this.”
327 West Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Employee: I think I’ve done pretty well, considering when I came here I didn’t know anything.
31 Park of Commerce Way
Savannah, Georgia
Teller: So how was your weekend?
Customer: Oh, it was all right…my husband died.
1600 Market Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Overheard by: indigo
Client on speaker: I need one of those lights that you put on the camera, and a metal thing, and also the curly thing.
Rental Department: So you need a flash, a stroboframe bracket and the off-camera cord?
Client on speaker: Yeah, sure, I guess. Oh, and do you have one of these things that see the light?
Rental Department: A flash meter you mean?
Client on speaker: Sure, I guess.
Rental Department: Sir, are you the photographer?
Client on speaker: Yes, why?
1111 North Cherry Street
Chicago, Illinois
Employee on phone: Yeah, that’s a little redundant.
Boss: You can say that again.
1 Whitehall Street
New York, NY
Flunky #1: The internet is broken.
Flunky #2: What’s wrong?
Flunky #1: I can’t get to any sites.
3001 Broadway Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota