Analyst: The problem, though, is that it’s not child pornography — just the regular kind.
16340 North Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, Arizona
Analyst: The problem, though, is that it’s not child pornography — just the regular kind.
16340 North Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, Arizona
Writer: All I really want in this life is to be able to solve a sudoku, just once. Without giving up halfway through.
Designer: Way to aim low.
Writer: Well…can I be honest? What I really want is to be better than you at sudoku.
Designer: That may be aiming too high. Let’s be realistic, at least.
16430 N Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, Arizona
Overheard by: Miel Durand
Older lady on phone: I don’t have any gorillas today! (Pause) No, I’m sorry. I was just trying to be funny.
Hose parts corporate office
Phoenix, Arizona
Overheard by: Hiding in my cube
Co-worker: When is Cinco de Mayo? Did I miss it already?
3424 Peachtree Road Northeast
Atlanta, Georgia
Employee #1: Now, where did ‘Disco Inferno’ come from?
Employee #2: Not me! It’s not on my iPod!
Employee #1: I think it came from the refrigerator!
Employee #2: Oh really?
Employee #1: No, this is serious! You’re not the one with ‘Disco Inferno’ stuck in your head!
Chevy Chase
Austin, Texas
Overheard by: kitchen watcher
Boss: So you’re Muslim, right?
New employee: Yup.
Boss: So you’re from the country of Islam?
New employee: No. Not quite.
Houston, Texas
Overheard by: feel sorry for her…
Customer rep on phone: No, ma’am. I’m sorry but I can’t come to your room and fix your equipment….because I’m not on the third floor. I’m in Denver and you’re in San Francisco.
11400 Westmoor
Denver, Colorado
Overheard by: losing patience
Waitress #1: The chicken is layered with proscuitto, sage, and pecorino cheese…
Customer snickers.
Waitress #1: What’s so funny?
Customer: It’s just… the cheese! [snickers again]
Waitress #1 to waitress #2: What is funny about pecorino cheese?
Waitress # 2: You said “pecker.”
Victorian Square
Sparks, Nevada
Overheard by: waitress # 1