
Grad student: You know those pencil sharpeners you had in elementary school? Well, the same thing happens with the electrical concept. And I didn't know.

Lafayette, Indiana

Overheard by: Rachel S.

Customer: Hey, where's my fucking wasabi, bitch?
Sushi girl: I don't think you asked for…
Manager: I don't know. But I can tell you this–it'll be up your fucking arse if your manners don't improve.
Sushi girl: Wanker!
Manager: Don't swear at work.

Adelaide, Australia

Male postdoc: Are you sure you can’t do this experiment alone tomorrow?
Female postdoc: I’m sure! I’ll ask someone to help! I can’t do it alone! I’m too short! Pretty! Boobs, and stuff!

Physics Lab
Hunter College, New York

Sorority girl in Spanish class: ‘Diabolico…’ That means he’s diabetic, right?
Classmate: No, it means diabolic.
Sorority girl: So, diabolic… Is that like a medical condition?

Modern Languages building, University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona

College professor: I feel like giving them an “e” for effort. Of course we all know that an “e” is right above an “f” for “fucking stupid” and right below the “d” for “dang near fucking stupid.”

Emporia, Kansas

Worker: What are those [paper bags with names on them]?
Boss: They’re for the holocaust thing today. … um, we’re remembering the holocaust, we’re not having another one.

East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina

Professor: Whoever taught you to write like this should be flogged with your severed writing arm.

Houston, Texas

Student: I just read the stupidest word on my Bio diploma. ‘Infer’? What the fuck does ‘infer’ mean?

1200 Festival Road
Sherwood Park, Alberta

Temp: All the food here is good, especially the bacon. I mean, this is real bacon, not the kind you buy at the store.

Culinary school
Pasadena, California

Overheard by: I’m surrounded by idiots

Tech guy: I need to update your microscope software, have you seen the dongle?
Grad student: Um… Excuse me?
Tech guy: I need to plug the dongle in to get access to your machine.
Grad student: Uh… What would… That… Look like?
Tech guy: Oh wait, never mind, I see it. Thanks!
[Tech guy leaves.]Grad student, to undergrad nearby: What the hell was he talking about?
Undergrad: I don’t know, but I feel like we were about ten seconds away from being in a very nerdy porno.

North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland

Overheard by: LabCat