
Training teacher: So, what are some things that you guys think are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Male teen student: Obesity?
Training teacher, with blank stare: Um, I don't think so. Anyone else?
Female teen student: How about being an old person?
Training teacher: Oooooooh boy. How about we just take a look at this slide up here…

Duane Reade Career Center
Manhattan, New York

High school senior #1: I am thinking about taking pre-med, I just hope it's not hard. I kind of like science.
High school senior #2: Why not study business?
High school senior #1: Because in my thoughts business always fails, but science is always, like… good.

Fresno, California

Coworker #1: How do you spell “rabbit”?
Coworker #2: Aren't you studying to be a teacher?

Houston, Texas

Nurse to another: Do you watch the show where all the scientists live together? Oh you don't watch tv at night? That's show's ungodly sinful… But I do like Six Feet Under.

University of Kentucky Hospital
Lexington, Kentucky

College girl #1: I keep thinking I should smoke more often.
College girl #2: That’s probably not a valid assessment.

Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York

Secretary: My mouse stopped working.
Tech guy: Was this after you dropped it?
Secretary: Yes.

Public University
New Jersey

Overheard by: Clark W.

Classmate #1: I’m gonna shave your head and sell your hair on the black market!
Classmate #2: Why would black people want his hair?
Classmate #3, after laughter subsides: Where is the black market, anyway?

Mt. Vernon High School
Mt. Vernon, Texas

Student: What is this bit?
Professor: Which bit?
Student: The kinda-purplish, squishy bit.
Professor, to assistant: Do you know what that is?
Assistant: No.
Professor, to student: That’s not important. You can ignore that.

USC Anatomy lab
Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: Kylie

Law clerk: I was taking international law because I think the world is becoming more global.

Cambridge Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Cheerleader: It sucks that Halloween is on a Monday this year.
Football player: Dude. I hate when they do that to me.

19501 Outer Drive
Dearborn, Michigan