
Girl #1: It’s so scary hearing about people dying.
Girl #2: Yeah, totally… You can die from so many things. You can die from death, sickness…

Sydney, Australia

Overheard by: elle

Biotech guy: Before you kill it, can I have the germplasm that is causing the issue?

St. Louis, Missouri

EA: …she’s still learning to change a diaper and all that.
Suit: Really?
EA: Yeah, but it’s been extra hard emotionally because our family is really strict and my dad still can’t admit to himself that this happened. All he’s said is, “I sent you to private school! Don’t they have sex ed there?” and “How could this happen?” Which doesn’t help her at all.
Suit: No, probably not.
EA: It’s like, “Dad, the baby is already here, get a grip.” But, well, she’s the baby of the family and I guess we all know how fathers are.
Suit: No, actually, I don’t. I never met mine.

40 IDX Drive
South Burlington, Vermont

Overheard by: Bubble Wrap THIS

Boss: You're not making up this crap about your grandmother dying, are you?
Analyst: No, do I have to prove it to you?

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Overheard by: Steve

Disembodied voice coming from men's room: Aww, man! We do that every year! …usually with our teeth …and while he's still alive.

Austin, Texas

Cubicle rat: He's losing control of his bowels all over the place, his toe nails are long, he stinks and he's getting old. I think I need to put him down.
Cubicle neighbor: I hope you are talking about an animal.

Lansing, Michigan

Counselor: Is that a Tupac T-shirt? You’re five. Tupac wasn’t alive when you were born. What do you know about Tupac?
Kid: I know the haters killed him.
Counselor: Touché.

Richmond, Virginia

Overheard by: SB

Attorney #1: The governor suggested that everyone not evacuating write their social security number on their arm in indelible ink. I’m going to go through our database and tattoo the SSN of our richest client on my chest with my children as beneficiaries.
Attorney #2: You better get that tattoo on your ass because you’re going to be floating face down in the floodwater.

8555 United Plaza Boulevard
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Office girl to cube mates: I didn't talk to my fiance at all last night, he was harvesting organs. Apparently they just go in and start yanking like five minutes after somebody dies. Okay, well, now I'm going to go buy him a gun.

St Louis, Missouri

Defiant executive: I busted up a funeral procession on my way back from lunch. Can’t wait for that karma.

Wausau, Wisconsin