
Coworker: So she was telling me she had no money to pay her bill because she invested all her money into a llama farm, and then the llamas got slaughtered.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: WD40

CSR on phone: Please sir, stop yelling at me. (pause) You do not need to swear at me. (pause) You call me that one more time and I'm going to hang up. (pause) Yeah, I'm still here. (pause, then hangs up) The best part was he told me to die.

Phildelphia, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: headsethottie

Sales drone: I thought nature was dead?


Overheard by: Bemused Techie

Office lady #1: Did you hear? My buddy shot and killed someone Monday night.
Office lady #2: Uh, what?
Office lady #1: Yep, my buddy Tex! (scurries over to pick up newspaper to proudly show)
Office lady #2: Wow. That's a bit strange.
Office lady #1: I know. Now I know someone that killed somebody!

Jacksonville, Florida

Employee #1, on phone: Good morning, sir, my name is Brad*, and I’m from an execution service agency.
Employee #2: Dude. It’s executive search agency!

Den Bosch
the Netherlands

Overheard by: Meme

Boy #1: Man, why'd you kill me?
Boy #2: No, I didn't kill you, he killed you!

Public Library
Key West, Florida

Overheard by: Chey

Peon #1: Oh my god, who wrote “Happy birthday!” in the “Loss of your father” sympathy card?
Peon #2: Clearly it was Lance. Who else is that stupid?
Lance: What did I do? Oh, it's fine, let's just use Wite-Out, he won't know the difference.
Peon #2: Didn't you read the card? Or look at it? It's blue, how's “white” out supposed to fix it?
Lance: What, it's always someone's birthday around here, since when do we do sympathy cards?
Peon #1: Since my grandma died and you wrote “Thanks for all your hard work.”


Overheard by: Shocked in AZ

Coworker #1, as coworker #2 comes in late: Oh, hi! I thought you were in a ditch or something.
Coworker #2: Ooh, I wish!

5th Avenue
New York City, New York

Overheard by: Devil Spanker

Editor: I don't think the parallel between origami and dead chicken is made well enough.

Austin, Texas

Chubby secretary: So, my friend from college was roommates with this guy who went to high school with this girl whose brother was eaten by Jeffrey Dahmer!
Friend: Oh my god! You could have been killed!

Tampa, Florida