
Girl: I was in the meeting today and I thought to myself -hmm, I think I smell like carcass…

Parkplace and Gamble
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Overheard by: cubsicle

Employee #1, on ant infestation: I noticed there were a few just walking around by themselves on my desk.
Employee #2: Those are scouts! Kill them or they’ll go back and tell the others the coast is clear, then you’ll have a rope of them!
Employee #1: I know, so I tried breaking the legs on one of them hoping he’d go back and tell the others not to come, it’s not safe, but all he did was walk around in circles on my desk, so I just smashed him.

Atlanta, Georgia

Overheard by: Employee #3

Office girl #1: Is there a shortcut to delete something in excel?
Office girl #2: Just hit delete.
Office girl #1: Yeah but you know how Control-c is copy and Control-v is paste.
Office girl #2: Well there is an actual delete button.
Office girl #1: No, I know -I am just trying to save time.
Office girl #2: Well hitting two buttons is not going to be quicker than hitting one.
Office girl #1: I know -but it’s a shortcut, you know?
Office girl #2: Google it.

Corporate Pointe
Culver City, California

Overheard by: Lyn

Customer: Do you sell cards?
Hallmark employee: Yes. Yes, we do.

The Hallmark Store
Manhattan, Kansas

Overheard by: Fellow Hallmark Employee

Customer: Do you have a circular for this week?
Cashier: Uh, no. We don’t have those.
Customer: You don’t have a flyer advertising your weekly specials?
Cashier: Oh, you mean this?
Customer: Yeah! The circular. What I said.
Cashier: Ma’am, this is not a circular. This is a rectangle.

Waldorf, Maryland

Overheard by: SeeNoSpeakNo

Boss: Never lie to a transsexual!

Los Angeles, California

Architect: Did you see the dog?
Intern: Yeah, he slobbered on my pant leg.
Architect: I sent you because I didn’t want to get bit.

Square Lake Road
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Overheard by: Eero Plain

Employee on phone: And how do you know her? And… how… do… you… know… her?… AND… HOW… what do you mean, “Ask less detailed questions”?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Overheard by: prefekt

Publisher rep: This guy did a study on blind men who use prostitutes.
Book buyer: Ok.
Publisher rep, whispering: For sex.

308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, California

Excited graduate assistant: Cadbury cream eggs are like the Jesus of Easter!
Faculty passerby: Wait, what?

Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio