Family members

Mother to son: Don’t play with that stapler!
Passerby: Happy take your kid to work day.

One Easton Oval
Columbus, Ohio

Mom to son: Once again, she wasn’t stabbing you!

Exiting Doctor’s Office
Campbell, California

Overheard by: Sami

Proud grandmother to coworker: Look, here's the latest picture of my granddaughter! She's four now!
Coworker: She is so cute! I see she still has that unibrow thing going on. Will she have it lasered off?
Proud grandmother: Maybe. But she is growing into it.

Irvine, California

Little girl, pointing to Coneheads DVD: Daddy, what’s wrong with those people?
Dad: Oh, they’re just from France.

Blockbuster, University Village
Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: David in Seattle

Woman testing cologne to daughter: Oh, no, if I go home smelling like a man, dad will know what I've been doing.

Roosevelt Field Mall
East Garden City, New York

Overheard by: T-Dizzle

Seven-year-old daughter on speakerphone: I saw a cute mother-daughter necklace at the store. It said “if daughters were flowers I'd still pick you.” See, mom? I'm like a flower! I smell sweet!
Mother: Yeah, and when you die, I'll throw you away.

Pryor, Oklahoma

Overheard by: Danielle

Mom: The neighbor found out you’re gay.
Daughter: What did she say?
Mom: She doesn’t care. Her son is gay and her daughter’s dating a black guy.
Daughter: What does her daughter dating a black have to do with it?
Mom: Well, I would rather my daughter was a lesbian than date a black guy.

8741 W Saginaw Highway
Lansing, Michigan

Overheard by: barista

Mother of freshman student: California kids are different. They are very different. They're just a different type of human being.

Loyola University

Overheard by: Exhausted Admin

Dad: I swear, I am going to break her arm by the time she is two.
Mom: She is two.
Dad: Three, then.

Outback Steakhouse
Green Brook, New Jersey

Laughing woman with young child: And then I just had to follow the cow around with a bag, waiting for it to poop!

Oakland Zoo
Oakland, California

Overheard by: lith