Family members

Lawyer: Put your John Hancock on these documents, please.
Daughter: You sure this is legal? I mean, with me being your kid and all?
Lawyer: It is very legal. Far more legal than any of the drugs you have experimented with on my credit card.

Broad Street
Louisville, Georgia

Coworker, on phone with husband: Well, I think they fell out of my… (pause) That's alright, there's a lot of shit to clean up.

Iowa City, Iowa

Overheard by: Shocked and Awed

Dad: Son, do not be inept when you grow up.
Son: What is “inept”?
Dad: Ridiculously bad at your job.
Son: No promises there, dad.

Washington, Illinois

Overheard by: Laura

Co-Worker: If you’re happy and you know it…?
Co-Worker’s 2-year-old daughter: …don’t touch a knife!

1065 Williams Street
Atlanta, Georgia

Overheard by: manda b

Mom listening to garbled announcement over PA: Did he just ask God to collect his son at the front desk?
Daughter: Are you senile?

Whole Foods
Seattle, Washington

Woman on phone to daughter, asking who sent her home to change her “inappropriate” outfit at school: Were they fat people?

Nashville, Tennessee

Super-rich boss’s wife: So you know how we always call my husband God?
Employees at luncheon: [Puzzled silence] Super-rich boss’s wife: Seriously, you know how we call him God?
Employees at luncheon: [Silence] Super-rich boss’s wife: Well, I bought him a horse! And we’re going to call it Jesus! Isn’t that hilarious?

2725 Henry Street
Augusta, Georgia

Mother: Why did you check “female” on that?
Son: Aw, shit!

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
125 Worth Street
New York, NY

Overheard by: Jean-Luc Picard

Supervisor's son: Do you pay them to be here?
Supervisor: Sometimes it feels like it.

Golden Valley, Minnesota

Overheard by: Bill

Assistant: So how is your daughter?
Boss's wife: She's fine. She made honor roll. She's getting fat…

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: Office Drone #3784