Exec: Who made a mess over here by the shredder?
Assistant: I was throwing confetti at myself.

640 5th Avenue
New York, NY

Worker: If you see [Jen] or [Jake], can you tell them I need to talk to them?
Boss: What for?
Worker: I just need to ask them about this thing for Thursday.
Boss: Oh, I don’t know anything about that. You’ll have to ask [Jen] or [Jen] about it.

120 West First Avenue
Mesa, Arizona

Meeting Lead: The customer wanted another dropdown here for more detail. They have “Category” and “Sub-Category” but they want another one below “Sub-Category”. I suggested “Sub-Sub-Category”.

11 East Superior Street
Duluth, Minnesota

Manager: [Ben], just go ahead and reserve two spots for me.
Assistant #1: Did you just say [Jeffrey]?
Manager: What? No, I said [Ben].
Assistant #1: Well, I heard my name.
Manager: ‘Cause youre a narcissist! [Ben], don’t you think he’s a
Assistant #2: I plead the Fifth.
Manager: C’mon [Ben], don’t be a pussy!
Assistant #2: I’m going to be a pussy! I’m new!

270 Lafayette Street
New York, NY

Junior Help Desk Agent: Nothing makes her happy. All she does is complain. I would hate to be her husband.
Senior Help Desk Agent: Uh, Joe, that is the speakerphone button, not the on-hold button.
User on speaker: Do you think you can stop ranting and help “the bitch” now?

8001 Development Drive
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Overheard by: EL Gee

Boss: I was hoping you could take care of it without a bunch of rigor mortis.

1701 Monterey Street
San Luis Obispo, California

Boss: We’re having communication problems.
Underling: We are?
Boss: What?

18115 Campus Way NE
Bothell, Washington

Overheard by: cogalicious

Secretary: I can write memos like it’s my job.
Boss: That is your job.

100 East Rivercenter Boulevard
Covington, Kentucky

Consultant: This meeting is just too important to involve company employees.

100 East Rivercenter Boulevard
Covington, Kentucky

Co-worker: Did you know every conversation we have in here, we aren’t supposed to have?

Sullivan Barracks
Mannheim, Germany