
Web artist: Man, it’s cold out here! Thank God I bought my mittens.
Graphic artist: I hate wearing mittens… When my hands are cold, I just use my crotch.

731 Pilot Road
Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Sr. Graphics Goddess

Drunk on phone: Hello, is this Frogs?
Intern: No, this is not a bar, it is a place of business.
Drunk on phone: Look…is my honey Lois there?
Intern: No, please don't call anymore. (hangs up)
(phone rings again)
Drunk on the phone: Look…I'm looking for my honey Lois. Is she there?
Intern: No, this is a place of business. Please stop calling.
(hangs up phone, then it rings again)
Drunk on the phone: Have you seen my honey, Lois?
Supervisor: Yeah, I've seen her. She's sitting here at the bar and she's making out with a bunch of guys.
Drunk on the phone: Bitch! Tell her I'm going to kill her.
Supervisor: I would love to, but I think she's having sex right now on the bar. I'll wait until she's done.
Drunk on the phone: I can't believe she is doing this to me. (starts to cry and hangs up phone)
Supervisor to intern: Every once in a while you gotta have a little fun.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Annmarie

What? A Girl Can't Get Enough Of It!

Office manager: Should I have Bob* install that extra RAM while you're gone?
IT guy: Yes, he can be my RAM man.
Office manager, after pause: Don't ever say that again.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: I'm so going to tell everybody

Boss lady checking bank: Oh, $89,000 in the auto pay… California titties, here I come!

Las Vegas, Nevada

Coworker: I mean, don't you ever feel like killing someone and wearing their head like a hat?

Las Vegas, Nevada

Coworker to another, whispering during staff meeting: And no sex… Not even anal… (room goes dead silent)

Las Vegas, Nevada

Cube dweller to another, shouting after argument: Just because you're mad it doesn't give you the right to be indigent.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: vamp slayer

Lady coworker: I really need to rent the Star Wars movies and watch them again. I only remember, like, the old guy and the little robot thingy.

4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Princess Leia

Girl to friend: We should just spray them all with meat and unleash ravenous carnivores.

Reno, Nevada

Copywriter to purchasing manager: Why don't you celebrate birthdays?
Purchasing manager: I hate birthdays.
Copywriter: But that's how you celebrate life.
Purchasing manager: It's not the only way to celebrate life.
Copywriter: Well, how do you celebrate life?
Purchasing manager, emphasizing through gesture: Masturbate.

Sex Toy Company
Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Looks Like Diva