
Female coworker on phone: For lack of a better word, “pop art,” you know, like that banana picture you have.

Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: Joy

20-something female coworker: Ooooh! Dr. Seuss' Oh, the Places You'll Go! For real, ya'll, that's the best book ever written. Well…other than, like, the bible.

Charleston, South Carolina

Psychiatrist to nurse practitioner: There is a special place in Dante's inferno for these insurance companies that require pre-authorizations. And you know what? They'll need a pre-authorization to get in.

Lincoln, Nebraska

Overheard by: amber

Student: Voldemort is like Bill Fates. He’s good at marketing, but he didn’t actually come up with Windows.

33 East Congress
Chicago, Illinois

Overheard by: Stubby Boardman

Coworker: I don't have the voice for rap… But shit, man, I can write rhymes!

Chico, California

Guy: Have you seen To Catch a Predator?
Girl: I've read To Kill a Mockingbird.

Knoxville, Tennessee

Art department staff member to intern: We need a camel that looks sexually harassed.

Los Angeles, California

Supervisor: I drew his foot, but it looks like a penis.

473 Ridge Road
Dayton, New Jersey

Overheard by: office peon

Butch chick: I read The Lion and the Mouse when I was young! It's a story about how the lion got a thorn in his paw and the mouse helped him remove it, and they became friends.
Normal chick: What a stupid lion, why didn't he just eat the mouse?
Butch chick: It's a story of morality for children! Help someone, be friendly!
Normal chick: So?
Butch chick: You don't eat your friends!

Melbourne Central

Overheard by: Incognito

Lady #1: I’m saving myself for Mozart.
Lady #2: That’s going to be quite a wait, honey.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Overheard by: Sarah