Rhode Island

Co-Worker #1: …and who ordered the salad?
Co-Worker #2: Marie*, but she left for the day.
Co-Worker #1: Is she okay?
Co-Worker #2: I hope so. She was crying when she left. I guess the police called and said her 7-year-old daughter was a town over from where she was supposed to be, and no one knows where the sitter went.
Co-Worker #1: Oh, that’s awful. [long pause] So you think that means I can eat her salad?

Providence, Rhode Island

Overheard by: Kate

Guy #1: Shouldn’t you know?
Guy #2: Dude, I don’t know anything. I’m not a Sultan.

West Greenwich, Rhode Island

Overheard by: Stan

Boss: If the phone rings, and I'm still here…
Secretary: You're not here?
Boss: Right. I don't care if it's Carmen Electra calling for an emergency titty-fuck.

Rhode Island

Overheard by: Lauren

BK guy: What did you do this weekend?
BK girl: I went to Ohio for a concert.
BK guy: Ohio? You went all the way over by California for a concert?
BK girl: Ummm… No…

Burger King, Rhode Island

Office assistant: Do you want me to send out the “Save the Date” announcement?
Boss: Yes, thanks. That would be helpful.
Office assistant: No problem! I’m happy to spread your STD around!
Boss: [Blank stare.]Office assistant: That sounded bad. But don’t worry… I’m sure no one heard me.

Point Street
Providence, Rhode Island

Overheard by: I Thought This Was a Healthcare Company

Manager: Aw, did you bleed on my computer?
Tech: No, but a bird shit on it.

50 Vision Blvd
East Providence, Rhode Island

Male cubicle rat to female receptionist: You've got to smell pretty to feel pretty.

Providence, Rhode Island

Overheard by: Lysa

Woman on personal call: Oh, wow, they really talk like that? Y'all? (pause) I'm not sure I'd want to live down there. I can't believe they haven't learned how to talk yet!

West Warwick, Rhode Island

Service rep #1: We went to that campsite for the weekend. We really had to rough it out there.
Service rep #2: Oh, yeah? Like how?
Service rep #1: Well, they didn't really have all the anemones.

Cranston, Rhode Island

Overheard by: Mercier3

Customer service rep: Aaaaahhhhhhh!
Planner: What’s wrong??
Customer service rep: I just saw a mouse!
Planner: Um, yeah, so? That’s just George.
Customer service rep: What?
Planner: Sometimes George likes to come out and play.

Plainfield Pike, Rhode Island

Overheard by: Stuck in my cube