
Concerned mother on phone with daycare: Does he normally hit his friends like that?

Omaha, Nebraska

Overheard by: Db's mom

Little girl, pointing to ad poster: Dog!
Father, looking at the ad: No, honey, that’s Ellen Degeneres.

Target Shopping Center
Avon, Indiana

Overheard by: Shatmandu

Dad: Son, do not be inept when you grow up.
Son: What is “inept”?
Dad: Ridiculously bad at your job.
Son: No promises there, dad.

Washington, Illinois

Overheard by: Laura

Postal clerk: Is there anything fragile, liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous in this?
Man: Nope, just condoms. Care package for my daughter.

Post office
Jenison, Michigan

Overheard by: On High Alert

Mom listening to garbled announcement over PA: Did he just ask God to collect his son at the front desk?
Daughter: Are you senile?

Whole Foods
Seattle, Washington

Mother being questioned: I don't understand why I'm here. I don't know what I did wrong.
Detective: I'm not saying it's right or wrong. But sometimes you just gotta clean your kid.

Police Station
Los Angeles, California

Mother: Put those toys away. Think of the other kids who come here.
Little kid #1: Yeah, we’ve gotta think of the other kids.
Little kid #2: I don’t want to think of the other kids. I only want to think about me.

Doctor’s waiting room
North Rocks, Sydney

Kid holding toy: If I don’t get this, I’m going to die.
Dad: You’re not getting anything today!
Kid: Do you want me to die? You want me to die! You’re killing me! You’re killing me!

University Mall
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Expecting mom: Who wants to see pictures of my baby's abnormally large penis?

Green Bay, Wisconsin

Soccer mom #1 in line, handing another $100: Here, this isn't a loan.
Soccer mom #2: Why? No sympathy for me! I had money last week, I just spent it on drugs and liquor.
Soccer mom #1: Well, maybe you'll share next time. Take it.

Columbus, Ohio

Overheard by: Tel-ler it like it is