Meals and Snacks

Suit: You’re Asian, so I bet you want tea. We Americans like our morning coffee.
Asian interviewee #1: No, I had Starbucks on the way here.
Suit: We Americans like milk in our coffee. Asians drink it black, right?
Asian interviewee #2: No, I take mine light and sweet.
Suit: Well, you still wanna work here, right?

New York, New York

Overheard by: Laughing in America

Operations manager: This chart really gets into the details if you're interested.
Assistant director: I don't think we really need to go into all the sausage-making details.
Director: Yeah, I've seen way too much sausage.

Portland, Oregon

Overheard by: Worst part? No one else laughed.

Employee #1: Oh, so you are talking apples and oranges?
Employee #2: No, I am talking about two different things.

701 Park Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Coworker: Whoever invented coffee was amazing!!

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: thought God did that?

Worker: The vendor wants to come in to finalize the program we discussed last month. Can you meet with him next week?
Boss: No, I am booked all week. Wasn't he supposed to send some follow up information?
Worker: I don't know, I was eating lunch.

Washington, DC

Lady on phone: Girrrl, you done sound like an apple pie that’s been baked!

Evanston, Wyoming

Obese woman on mobility scooter, scowling: Whatever happened to rational soups?

Employee cafeteria
Salisbury, Maryland

Overheard by: minnie stronie

Employee girl: Hey, can I have your pickle again today?
Employee guy: I was wondering when you were going to ask for it. Where do you want it?
Employee girl: Here is fine. (to receptionist) I always eat his pickle.

St. Louis, Missouri

Overheard by: Cubicle Dweller

Female coworker on phone: For lack of a better word, “pop art,” you know, like that banana picture you have.

Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: Joy

Paralegal: I know there's Chinese food, and there's Japanese food, but is there Korean food?
Coworker: What? Of course there is!
Paralegal: What's the difference?
Coworker: Countries.

Port Washington, New York