
Engineer: Guys in suits should never be allowed to touch differential equations!

Orlando, Florida

Engineer on phone: Now that's a good question. What was the question again?

Confederate Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia

Engineer: Thing about this global warming is that it's all about where the water is. You have a big enough pipe and you can pump it in the desert, where it's needed…

Hopkinton, Massachusetts

Engineer #1: You don’t understand…the program’s got unresolved
symbols that won’t work.
Engineer#2: Yeah, I got 2 unresolved symbols for you right here.

8000 West Sunrise Boulevard
Plantation, Florida

Engineer: If he's turning 30 and only brought in a dozen doughnuts, I'm going to kick him in the nuts!


Overheard by: Ouch!

Functionally retarded janitor: This job really needs some strippers.
Engineer: You could get a night job at a strip club.
Functionally retarded janitor: But those places fire you when you try to touch the girls.

Senlac Drive
Dallas, Texas

Overheard by: This Company Needs to Do Better Background Checks

Client: May I ask you a question?
Patent Agent: Uh, sure.
Client: I’d like your opinion on my [douche] invention as an engineer and as a woman.

508 Riverbend Drive
Kitchener, Ontario

Engineer to lunchroom: So do you guys know if we’re officially called ‘United States of America’ or is it just ‘United States’?

413 Pine St
Seattle, Washington

Salesman: I need you need to move these squares over here on the plan.
Engineer: You mean the rectangles?
Salesman: Geez–you engineers and your math. Yeah, whatever.

Auburn Hills, Michigan

Head of security: There's nothing wrong with having an expanded vocabulary.
Chief engineer: I fuckin' love it!

Boston, Massachusetts