Accounting #1: So I'm not sure how she got the idea to put ham on the fan blades. Maybe tv? I don't think ham is really salient to most people. But I can see tying something up there to watch it spin around…
Accounting #2: Maybe some shiny paper or something like that, I guess.
Accounting #1: Or headless Barbie dolls.
Accounting #2: Sometimes I wonder about you.
Accounting #1: Headless Barbie dolls wrapped in ham.

Omaha, Nebraska

White dude to black coworker: The cool thing about Obama is that he is able to transcend race. He’s the ultimate embodiment of American multiculturalism and pluralism. He’s white and black, and his race doesn’t matter, he’s got character, which was Martin Luther King’s dream, that people would be judged according to the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
White dude #2: Yeah, well, I just can’t wait until Obama gets into office and he invites MTV over to the White House to film an episode of Cribs and he’s got a stripper pole in the basement right by his poster of Scarface.

130th Street
Tacoma, Washington

Overheard by: Stan Green

Coworker #1: A friend of my wife's maid of honor just got married. They have a live-in girlfriend. Let me say that again. They have a live-in girlfriend. I tell ya, the world's going to hell in a handbasket.
Coworker #2: That's the Three's Company we never got to see!

Dimondale, Michigan

Producer: Have you ever heard the South Park song about finger-bangin?
Assistant: The only song I heard today was “I'm at a gay bar.”
Producer: Well, it happens there, too…

Hollywood, California

Sales guy: Yeah, i never used to like Star Trek, but that was back before i started discovering the joys of hallucinogenic drugs…

Los Angeles, California

Hotel clerk #1 to another, after seeing tv news report: Can you believe someone left that secret iPhone at a bar?
Hotel clerk #2: Well, not all the stupid people work here.

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: Jasper

Guy watching tv in break room: They have TVs in Bangkok? Isn't that in, like, China?

Nova Scotia

Manager: So there was this one time I spent $600 on snack foods.
Clerk #1: What?
Manager: Yeah, my friend and I went to the grocery store and bought a ton of food, but we also decided to bring along his cat in a backpack, and then we let him out in the store because we figured he was old and wouldn't escape…but he did. We lost him in the store, and then we left.
Clerk #2: You just left the cat behind?!
Manager: There's no stopping the Frito Bandito.

Maine Mall
Portland, Maine

Seven-year-old coworker's daughter: You're a loser!
28-year-old office worker: Well, you're Barack Obama!
Seven-year-old coworker's daughter: You're John McCain!
28-year-old office worker: You're Sarah Palin!
Seven-year-old coworker's daughter: Well…you're Ashley Tisdale!!

Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: three_eyed_fish

Employee #1: Your haircut is just so cute, I meant to tell you! It looks just like–what was Spock on Star Trek? A Vulcan? It makes you look just like a Vulcan!
Employee #2: Um, thank you…
Employee #1: I hope you don't take that the wrong way!

Atlanta, Georgia