Male cube dweller: Seth finally drilled my hole last night.
Female cube dweller: What?
Male cube dweller: Seth finally drilled a hole in my wall, so I can have cable.
Female cube dweller: That sound better.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Overheard by: greasymittens

Woman employee, opening her Comcast bill: Shit! I forgot to cancel the porn channel again!
Male coworker, disgusted: Ugh! Too much information!

Charleston, South Carolina

Overheard by: Aaron

Very sketchy neighbor to two-year-old: Who gives a fuck about Dora?!


Overheard by: Irritated

Peon to fellow cube-mates: What would happen if no one ever reached their target, but they just kept placing it further and further away for the sake of “striving for excellence”? (pause) Sounds like you're setting up your people for failure. You ever watch Ninja Warrior? That show is the bomb. They have crazy, semi-impossible obstacle courses, and if a contestant passes all four stages, they win. The point is, no one is supposed to win! The obstacles get harder and harder to keep people from succeeding, not to hope and pray that they win… You are all honorary ninja warriors.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Overheard by: Rio

Secretary: So, what's her husband like?
Manager: Oh, he's kind of like Mr Bean…you think he may be slightly autistic but he's still really sexually attractive.
Secretary: Uhh…


Smart girl: Okay, that guy was nice but really kind of creepy.
Girl: Yeah, but he seemed harmless enough.
Smart girl: Sure, but so did Ted Bundy.
Girl: Oh I love that guy!
Smart girl: Wait… what?
Girl: He's the one on Married with Children, right?

Omaha, Nebraska

Overheard by: glad my gf is the smart one

Coworker #1: How was The Simpsons Movie?
Coworker #2: Pretty good.
Coworker #1: It’s not the cartoon version, is it?
Coworker #2: Uhh… Yeah.

Navy Yard
Washington, DC

Aspiring movie critic #1: I don't think Zac Efron will ever be able to do anything but High School Musical.
Aspiring movie critic #2: I know. He'll be like…the gym teacher in High School Musical 30.

Richmond, Virginia

Nurse to another: Do you watch the show where all the scientists live together? Oh you don't watch tv at night? That's show's ungodly sinful… But I do like Six Feet Under.

University of Kentucky Hospital
Lexington, Kentucky

Employee #1: Did you see Idol last night?
Employee #2: Sorry, I don't watch Idol.
Employee #1: James got put off!
Employee #2: I don't watch Idol.

Manhattan, New York