Boss to office: It's like being on Wheel of Fortune without having to buy a vowel.

Chicago, Illinois

Guy #1: Do you remember GizmoDuck?
Guy #2: Yeah! He was like the Iron Man of the duck world.

Nashville, Tennessee

Overheard by: Clair

Lady peon #1: Have you been following this e-mail chain? Derek* wrote that he was going to send his ninja friends after her, and Karen* wrote back, ‘Which ones? Leonardo or Donatello?’ Then Derek replied, ‘Splinter.’
Lady peon #2: I love Splinter!
Lady peon #1: Yeah, me too. That’s what I was going to write back to them.

555 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois

Boss, in response to employees discussing Project Runway: Oh, what is that? A show about airports?

Washington, DC

Woman on phone: I just don’t want you to end up on that show where the news reporter comes into the kitchen and the guys have their pants off…

K Street
Washington, DC

Boss: Is You're all jerks a new reality show?
Employee: No, but The Jersey Shore is.

Baltimore, Maryland

Coworker on phone: So, I'm trying to get on MTV, and I keep getting rejected.

San Carlos, California

Office peon: How the hell do you not know what Knight Rider is? I can't stand chicks like that. They're only good for one thing, and even that isn't that good.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: I know what Knight Rider is

Woman #1: I love Lean Cuisine.
Woman #2: Me too! We should be in commercials for them.
Woman #1: Yeah! We really should.
Woman #2: Know what else I would be in commercials for?
Woman #1: What?
Woman #2: Epidurals. (walks away)

Columbus, Ohio

Overheard by: Steph

Lady coworker #1: Lately I've been real irritable, lately.
Lady coworker #2: I heard something on tv about that.
Lady coworker #1: Really? What were they saying?
Lady coworker #2: Well, it was these ladies talking about irritable bowel syndrome… Wait, that's not what you're talking about, is it?

Austin, Texas

Overheard by: So not irritable