
Manager #1: My kids SUCK at arts and crafts.
Manager #2: No glitter? No glue? No macaroni or popsicle sticks?
Manager #1: Holy shit, no. They are the epitome of suck.

West Irving Park Road
Roselle, Illinois

Delivery guy: When I got out of the Air Force I thought I was done with paperwork, but it looks like I’m destined to do paperwork.
Receptionist, uninterested: Oh, really?
Delivery guy: Yeah, but most of my time in the Air Force I can’t talk about.
Receptionist: Uh-huh.
Delivery guy: It’s top secret stuff.
Receptionist: Oh, okay.
Delivery guy: Can’t talk about it.
Receptionist: So don’t.

Austin, Texas

Overheard by: Waby

Intern: Lou* just said he really likes my sense of humor! He said I’m self-defecating! Can you believe it? Lou thinks I’m self-defecating — he thinks I sit in my own shit! Lou’s so cool.
Lou, two cubes away: I said ‘self-deprecating,’ you idiot.
Intern: Oh.

6707 Democracy Boulevard
Bethesda, Maryland

Overheard by: One cubicle over

Hick girl #1: Look, I’m just saying, that bitch was a bitch.
Hick girl #2: She is such a bitch.
Hick girl #1: I know. And her costume wasn’t even funny.
Hick girl #2: I don’t think they’re supposed to be funny. I think they’re supposed to be scary.
Hick girl #1: Her tits are scary.
Hick girl #2: She’s always showin’ her tits. I don’t wanna see them scary-ass tits.
Bitch: My tits are expensive, you stupid hick bitches.
Hick girl #1: Why didn’t you say you were in there, bitch? God, you’re a bitch.
Hick girl #2: Bitch.

Nashville, Tennessee

Trainee: This customer is mad because we won't cover an accident that happened before he was insured with us. He won't stop yelling!
Trainer: Ha! He's gonna have to suck eggs on that one! Sucks for him. But seriously, go through the facts and dates with him and explain why we won't cover it. Stay calm and apologize. You can do this!
Trainee, to customer: Thank you for holding. This… uh… Okay. My manager says you have to suck eggs, I'm sorry.

Riverview Parkway, San Diego

Intern to coworker: Are you guys talking about me? I heard the word 'slut.'

Chicago, Illinois

CSR on phone: Call back tomorrow and we’ll see if we can get the world to revolve around you.

175 South Third Street
Columbus, Ohio

Woman: See [Jane]. See [Jane] spaz. Spaz, [Jane], spaz.

640 Opperman Drive
Eagan, Minnesota

Overheard by: Cubicle Sam

Girl #1: Oh my god! You are such a slut!
Girl #2: I am not a slut!
Girl #3: It’s true, she’s not a slut. She’s just a fake-ass ho.
Girl #1: Yeah, you’re such a fake-ass ho.
Girl #2: Yeah, true.

1310 Sycamore Street
Cincinnati, Ohio

Employee #1 to employee #2: Hey, what's that called when they take your money out and you have no control?
Employee #2: Fucked?
Employee #3: Garnish, you assholes!

Wyandotte, Michigan

Overheard by: Tom