Health & Hygiene

Tech illiterate office guy: Phil, how do you lubricate the internet?


Coworker: Treat yourself and your vag — get a pap.

Austin, Texas

Co-worker: She said I was giving her an ulcer…But I don’t even have ulcers!

1127 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio

Woman trainer: The system is down today. I think I might go get a mammogram instead of working.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Overheard by: Patrick

Coworker: Hey, how was your weekend?
Intern: Great! It’s stopped itching and– [Coworker walks away.]

Washington, DC

Banker: Yeah, he’s losin’ his eyesight…He can barely see now. He’s got that immaculate degeneration or whatever it’s called. But he still builds things with power tools. It’s pretty amazing…but kinda scary.

200 Nationwide Boulevard
Columbus, Ohio

IT #1: She’s a nut.
IT #2: Most people are.
IT #1: What kinda nut do you think we are?
IT #2: Cashews because we’re unique and expensive.
IT #1: I guess we could be macadamians.
IT #2: Those are fatty.

30830 Northwestern Highway
Farmington Hills, Michigan

Health care counselor, advising another about a caller: Well, unless he has AIDS or MS, he’s out of luck.

Metrocenter Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee

Overheard by: happyhealthworker

CSR: I'm bored.
Manager: Well, go find something to do.
CSR: There's nothing around here to do just yet.
Manager: There's always something–go clean your drawers.
CSR: My drawers are clean…I think.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Coworker #1: She had some weird disease that wasn't supposed to exist anymore.
Coworker #2: Was it leprosy?
Coworker #3: I've always had a soft spot for leprosy.

Nevada City, California

Overheard by: Soft Skin