Substance Use & Abuse

At the end of Take Your Kids to Work Day…

Bruno*: Everything is askew! Where’s my weedbag? I’ve got some quarters missing. Damn thieving kids.

222 North Lasalle
Chicago, Illinois

Without Conspiracy Theories, TV Would Be Iowa's Only Entertainment

Cheeky sales guy: What about adding fluoride to water..?
Sales lady: Don't do it!
Cheeky sales guy: The Nazis used it.
Sales lady: Stop egging him on!
Sales guy #2: Yeah, the first place it was used was the concentration camps. Adolf Hitler found that it mellowed them out.
Cubicle neighbor: And their teeth looked awesome?
Sales guy #2: No, it has nothing to do with teeth! It's the second most poisonous element. It's used in all kinds of rat poisons.

Marion, Iowa

Tech #1: So, my friend is going to ask his girlfriend to marry him, and he wants to secretly get her ring size.
Tech #2: Measure her finger while she’s asleep.
Tech #1: What if she doesn’t sleep very soundly? What if she wakes up and is like, ‘What’s this thing on my finger?’
Tech #2: Get her really hammered.
Tech #1: She doesn’t really drink…
Tech #3: Then just hammer her!

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Overheard by: only girl in the office

Worker: [Jeff] didn’t come in because he has pneumonia. We went to the hospital yesterday.
Manager: Ever since you and [Jeff] started dating he’s begun falling apart. Now he’s got pneumonia. That’s what drugs will do to you; lower your immune system.
Worker: That couldn’t have been it…It’s been 2 weeks since we’ve taken ecstacy.

7350 S. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida

Intern: They didn’t have Guinness, so we had pure Jameson and Bailey shots.
Manager: Oh, well.
Intern: Laced with something else.
Associate: PCP?
Intern: Who knows?
Manager: Could it have been PCP?
Intern: It tasted awfully sweet.

10 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY

Overheard by: pixelvisions

Programming #1: I totally didn’t realize he was holding a bong.
Programming #2: That explains why the smores thing was funny.

11951 Freedom Drive
Reston, Virginia

Co-worker #1: Oh my god, girl scout cookies should so be illegal.
Co-worker #2: Yes…I have five boxes on my desk as we speak!
Co-worker #1: At least with crack you lose a lot of weight.

Wichita, Kansas

Boss: We should become alcoholics. That would make work so much easier.
Employee: That bottle of Bailey’s in my filing cabinet only lasted me a week and a half.
Boss: You had Bailey’s?
Employee: Ummm, no.

Lake Shore Drive
Columbus, Ohio

Employee to another, arranging pretzels on display: You know, you're supposed to hang these straight, but if you hang them crooked they are more tantalizing….tantalizing like crack.

Birmingham, Alabama

Coworker, on taking kids to get flu shots: When I took them, they were great. They only cried a little. My daughter said, “daddy, I feel safer doing shots with you.”

Grapevine, Texas