
HR director to staff: Sarah Palin in a bikini with butter and Old Bay seasoning. Mmmm…

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Shaun

Polish coworker: I was in the communist boy scouts as a boy…

The Woodlands, Texas

Overheard by: Jeremy

Clerk: Okay, you have 12:45 and 1:45 subcommittees, AG is at 1:00, and Natural Resources is at 2: 00. I’m going to leave everything here on my desk and go do some work in the back office.
Senator: Do you even think I’m listening to you?
Clerk: No, not really.

State Capitol
Des Moines, Iowa

Ubergeek on phone: I am up in Davenport right now, and it's quite clear, and rumor has it Schwarzenegger will be here tomorrow.
Neighbor geek: Stop pretending like you go outside and can enjoy good weather.

Davenport, California

Boss on phone: Do you think when Jesus comes back he wants to see himself on the cross? It's like going up to Jackie O with a rifle on a chain and saying, “I'm remembering JFK!”

Atlanta, Georgia

Overheard by: Ren

Student girl #1: Did you know the government is shutting down?
Student girl #2: I don't pay attention to politics.
Student girl #1: I heard about it on Facebook. They owe, like, billions of dollars. And now, like, if you're a mailman, you're not gonna get paid.
Student girl #2: Man, that sucks.

Loyola University

Overheard by: How the hell did they get into this school?!

Help desk coordinator: It's a revolution, Wade!
Asian guy, without pause: Yes. What kind? For money or power?

Malvern, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: IT Monkey

Cube rat #1: The Republicans are coming to town in 2012! Isn't that exciting?
Cube rat #2: Exciting?
Cube rat #1: I mean, for the economy.
Cube rat #2: Yeah, the strip clubs and hookers will won't know what hit them.

Government Office
Tampa, Florida

Overheard by: Sandy Paws

Manager to employee: Even with a few billion dollars, I think that a gay Jew would have a bit of trouble getting elected pope.
Employee: They picked a Nazi last time.
Manager: Well, yes, but even a Nazi is better than a gay Jew.
Employee: I have a bumper sticker that says that.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Illustrator #1: What is the difference between a libertarian and a Republican?
Illustrator #2: Do you know what a Vulcan is?
Illustrator #1: Uh… I guess, like Mr Spock.
Illustrator #2: Well, a Republican is to a libertarian what a Vulcan is to a Romulan.
Illustrator #1: What the hell is a Romulan?
Illustrator #2: Well, they look like Vulcans, but they are more… Well, on the original show they represented the USSR.
Illustrator #1: So, a libertarian is a communist?
Illustrator #2: Well, no. Okay, do you know what a Centauran is?
Illustrator #1: No, and please don't tell me.

Greenville, Texas

Overheard by: Michael Philippus