New Zealand

CEO: I think we should name [the product] SINBAD after [Janet].
Underling: “SINBAD”?
CEO: Single Income, No Boyfriend, and Desperate.

27 Gillies Avenue
Newmarket, Auckland
New Zealand

Customer: Hi, can I get hold of Czech crowns here?
Bank flunky: Uhh…What was his first name again?

ASB Bank, Great North Road
Auckland, New Zealand

Manager, yelling slowly into phone: It’s a little wet, but it’s wild.

New Zealand

Luddite sales manager: What's “SSL”?
Lead developer: “Secure Socket Layer.” It's a…
Marketing manager, listening to iPod: Who's an insecure soccer player?

Software Company
New Zealand

Overheard by: Kiwibloke

Boss: I think I'll have a sandwich now.
Employee: Okay, cool.
Boss: What's cool about that?
Employee: Nothing.
Boss: Why'd you say it then?
Employee: You're so difficult!
Boss: No, you're difficult!

New Zealand

Overheard by: Schmitty

Secretary: Now the plant's by me, I can make sure none of you are over-watering it!
Random office peon: Or urinating in it when no-one's looking.

New Zealand

Overheard by: pretty sure that happened

CEO to receptionist: I’m not touching myself! I’m having an underwear emergency.

New Zealand

Coworker to another: How was your weekend?
Another: Not good, we lost another pet. The rabbit was murdered by a sheep.

New Zealand

Overheard by: George

Receptionist to air conditioner repair man: My fanny thing leaks!
Cube dwellers, listening: What?
Receptionist: It drips on my desk.

New Zealand

Overheard by: YOUR WHAT!!!

Coworker: No… Honestly, if you give a man enough estrogen and provide enough nipple stimulation, he will produce milk.

New Zealand