Human Resources

Boss, about hot applicant for receptionist post: We can't hire her.
HR: Why not?
Boss: She'll get me in trouble.
HR: Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu…
Boss: Diet? More like a fast.

St. Louis, Missouri

Female HR manager: I got so drunk last night, I slept in just my socks!
Disinterested female coworker: Ummm, good for you?
Female HR manager: It's one of my levels of drunkenness. It means I'm really drunk.
Disinterested female coworker: Okay.
Female HR manager: You know why I picked this long dress to wear today?
Disinterested female coworker: Ummm, no, why?
Female HR manager, proudly: Because I could skip the underwear!
Horrified female coworker: (silence)
Female HR manager: I think I might still be drunk.
Horrified female coworker: I'm starting to wish I was.

Great Valley, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: everybody has their freak flag

Manager #1, during performance review: We would have fired you, but we missed the deadline to submit the paperwork.
Manager #2: So by default you are now an employee.
HR rep, under breath: We are so getting sued.

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: unleaded

Support staff: Hello, how can I help you?
Caller: Can I speak to Nora?
Support staff: I'm sorry, there is no Nora in this office.
Caller: I called yesterday too.
Support staff: Yes, I remember. There was no Nora yesterday, either.

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: Shamim

HR woman on phone with rep at staffing agency: I will drive over there and I will smack you; and then I will fire you in front of your peers.

Marlborough, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Anony Mouse

HR supervisor on phone: He called me the other day all worried because she was running out of food. I told him: she has all those animals and she likes to wring their necks…

Fontana, California

Overheard by: Aeirlys

HR gal: …we’re looking to see if he killed anybody, that’s all. If he killed anybody, the deal’s off.

5900 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California

HR rep to coworker: I could, like, totally get a raise if I slept with him.
Coworker: Haven't you already?

Leavenworth, Kansas

HR employee to another: Does she look like she's been hanging out with Bob Dylan?

Dunmore, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Can't imagine what this could entail

HR: So maybe I can do all three of you in the morning.

Marlborough, Massachusetts