Wholesale meat salesman to customer on phone: We've got 12-inch weiners on special.
Fairbank Road
Ashville, New York
Wholesale meat salesman to customer on phone: We've got 12-inch weiners on special.
Fairbank Road
Ashville, New York
Salesman: Well, I worked my way up from a mechanic to a salesman, but I’m still treated like the low man on the scrotum pole.
625 Spring Street
Reading, Pennsylvania
Male sales rep, about client meeting: So, I heard you were out with a bunch of guys.
Female sales rep: Yeah, four of them!
Male sales rep: Wow, you need a towel?
Omaha, Nebraska
Female suit to vendor on phone: Oh my god, I've been calling you nonstop. I'm like a girl in a white dress at her wedding, and her groom isn't there, and she's been calling him for two hours. That's how I feel.
Union Square
New York City, New York
Overheard by: Julie
Sales guy: They need to either shit or go home!
Somerville, Massachusetts
Salesperson to another: Wow! I like your new pants? (pause) Do they fit you?
Plattsburgh, New York
Sales girl: But I sent you an electronic e-mail!
Middleboro, Massachusetts
Overheard by: Mikey
Secular Muslim salesgirl #1: What do you think of what I am wearing?
Secular Muslim salesgirl #2: I'm glad you asked, it's bizarre. Why are you wearing such a short skirt? It's winter! And is that shirt actually lingerie? And why are you wearing a veil? Especially with all this? I've never seen you wear a veil!
Secular Muslim salesgirl #1: My grandmother put glue in my shampoo bottle to try to force me to cover my hair and dress more conservatively. I didn't have time to fix it. I had to wear a veil. And the rest… well, I couldn't let her win.
Clothing Store
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Visiting sales rep: Wow, that aquarium is really cool! Is it a lot of work?
Desk owner: Thanks. It’s not too hard once it’s set up for a while.
Visiting sales rep: I’ve never seen one with all those things with testicles in it before.
Desk owner: [Silence until sales rep obliviously boards elevator.]
75 Battery Street
San Francisco, California
Overheard by: We didn’t buy her product.