Nerds and Geeks

Male coworker: But Anne Heche is oddly hot, and she’d be okay with another woman in the bedroom. Plus, she’s insane, which makes her fun.
Female coworker: Well, guess if you’re fantasizing about someone bi and crazy she could be interesting…
Male coworker: See? See? I think she might actually be an alien. That’d be even better! Aliens are sexy.
Female coworker: No, no, now you’re just getting weird and nerdy. Aliens are not sexy.
Male coworker: I always imagined the female alien from Cocoon to be really sexy. She had a great body when the skin was on her, but there was something scary and yet awesome about the glowing part. I’d want her to keep her human skin on, but I imagine sex with her to be like nothing else you’ve ever imagined. And I imagine her kisses to taste like candy and electricity, like pop rocks or something.
Female coworker: Okay, now you’ve let me know too much information, and you’re still getting all nerdy.
Male coworker: Okay, you’re right. This is starting to sound weird.

Elmsford, New York

Overheard by: Bored Beyond Belief

IT nerd: The great thing about The Smurfs is that they at least would go on reasonably exciting adventures.


IT employee: Birthdays and anniversaries I can't remember for shit… But IP addresses? Those I know.

Austin, Texas

Assistant: So how is your daughter?
Boss's wife: She's fine. She made honor roll. She's getting fat…

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: Office Drone #3784

Intern to coworker: Cathy*'s never played a video game in her life!
Coworker to Cathy*: That's probably why you do poorly here; this is the corporate version of Frogger.

Boston, Massachusetts

Geek #1: It's really hard to find an adult Girl Scout costume.
Geek #2: I wonder why, I'm sure there are fat Girl Scouts. (pause) I'm not saying you're fat! I'm just saying you're old.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Had to run from the room.


Crotchety supervisor, holding up printed copy of e-mail: You two are computer nerds. What does this mean? (points at an emoticon)
Analyst #1: It's a smiley face.
Crotchety supervisor, turning the paper sideways: Oh, I see the colon is the eyes and…what the hell is wrong with you people? (crumples up e-mail and walks away)
Analyst #2: Have a nice day!

Oakland, New Jersey

Overheard by: >:(

Game developer on speakerphone: Bestiality is totally the new Wii.

Columbus Circle
New York City, New York

Overheard by: The Professor

Female peon to IT peon: I just found a naked computer.

New York City, New York

Trekkie coworker: Dude, at the convention they had light sabers for sale for two hundred dollars.
Bored coworker: So?
Trekkie coworker: They were just plastic, they weren’t even real!

County Road 427
Auburn, Indiana

Overheard by: Doesn’t have a real light saber either