Tech: I wonder if Bert and Ernie still share a bed.
555 International Way
Springfield, Oregon
Tech: I wonder if Bert and Ernie still share a bed.
555 International Way
Springfield, Oregon
Cube dweller: I know he was yelling at me, but he was wearing the same members-only jacket as Rosario from Will and Grace!
523 North Sam Houston Parkway East
Houston, Texas
Overheard by: bemused
Internet hipster: It's a meme of a meme, so it's meta.
Boss: What?!
Fontana, California
IT guy: I've got the 80 gig iPod, the black leather case…
Secretary, interrupting: You know, I have an iPod, but I've never been able to get it to work.
IT guy, shocked: Ummmm, Sheryl, do you really want to admit that?
48th & Main
Kansas City, Missouri
Overheard by: that sounds about right
Boss: You know, there is nothing funnier than geeks eating ice cream.
3175 NW Aloclek Drive
Hillsboro, Oregon
Cashier: Okay, so can I get your address so we can ship the unit to you? [Old lady gives the cashier her address.] And you, sir? What’s yours?
40-year-old son wearing a ‘Vote for Pedro’ shirt: It’s the same as my mom’s.
Overheard by: SK
Guy, coming out of the men’s room: Wait. Someone actually stole the posters… from around the urinal?
Comic book guy: Don’t ask me to explain it.
Guy: Were they unfamiliar with the concept of nerd hygiene?
New York City, New York
IT minion, about boss: He started talking to me about Star Trek. I don't know why he thought I'd want to talk about that. I was wearing my Star Wars shirt. I mean, different universe!
Boston, Massachusetts
Man: Answer me this — just what the fuck does Chewbacca know about Tarzan, anyway?
San Francisco, California
Overheard by: pleasekillme
Drone #1: I wonder how many modifications it would take to convert an old Beetle to Darth Vader’s helmet?
Drone #2: Probably not too many.
Metro Park
Alexandria, Virginia
Overheard by: I want one.