Customer Support

Customer Service Specialist on phone: No, sir. You just had a credit line increase yesterday…Well, sir. That’s how the potato chips.

Customer Service Specialist: …Damn towelhead.

14700 Citicorp Drive
Hagerstown, Maryland

CSR on phone: Let me spell that for you, that name is McKeon: “m” as in “m”, “c” as in “c”, “k” as in “k”, “e” as in “e”, “o” as in “o”, “n” as in “n”.

Portland, Maine

Overheard by: brian brinegar

CSR: Thanks for calling Widgets Inc.* How may I help you?
Client on phone: Yeah, I was just talking to Roger* and we lost connection. Maybe you can finish walking me through whatever.
CSR: Sir, we do not have a Roger. You were just talking to me. We didn’t lose connection. You hung up on me and I was walking you through understanding that our software does not do "whatever."

Eighth Floor, Galleria
Hoover, Alabama

Clerk: Do you have an appointment?
Customer: No, I'm Canadian.

Bellingham, Washington

CSR, on phone with customer: I'm sorry, but that's not a confirmation code. That's the word “denied.”

Bryan, Texas

Overheard by: Jax

CSR to client: You want the number 3 capitalized?

Oxford, Mississippi

Girl: Why are you in customer service if you don't want to service the customer?

Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennesee

Overheard by: AlsoWondering

CSR: This is my senior picture in high school.
Manager: You were a cheerleader?
CSR: Yeah.
Manager: What happened?

730 International Parkway
Richardson, Texas

Overheard by: El Gee

CSM, on holiday preparations: My family makes me want to smuggle drugs in my ass.

Hailey, Idaho

Customer: Why hasn't my money been deposited into my account today?
CSR: Well sir, it's Martin Luther King Day, so the banks are closed.
Customer: Oh, yeah! I forgot about that, homie!

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: dropping some eaves