Customer Support

CSR #1, about recall of peanut butter crackers: I had no idea that peanut butter could contain salmonella.
CSR #2: Yeah, well…nuts can be pretty dirty.

Greenwood Village, Colorado

Overheard by: Bonny

Customer: I don't care! I don't care that I need to talk to him! I don't care that he's unavailable! Do you hear me? I don't care.
Customer service rep, blandly: Then why have you called us today, sir, if you're so apathetic?

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: i used to be his supervisor

Customer service rep #1: I am soooo excited! I'm going to get my nails done as soon as I get off work. I am going to look so good for my trip this weekend!
Customer service rep #2: Wow, where are you going?
Customer service rep #1 (excitedly): Across the street!

Austin, Texas

Overheard by: Vicky

Customer service rep: Aaaaahhhhhhh!
Planner: What’s wrong??
Customer service rep: I just saw a mouse!
Planner: Um, yeah, so? That’s just George.
Customer service rep: What?
Planner: Sometimes George likes to come out and play.

Plainfield Pike, Rhode Island

Overheard by: Stuck in my cube

CSR #1: So, no one was murdered yesterday?
CSR #2: Yeah, I guess it was a good day.
CSR #1: Depends on your point of view.
CS supervisor: I’m leaving.

Staples Drive
Framingham, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Heater

CSR: Click on the number on the left hand side.
Customer: Okay.
CSR: Okay, did that take you to a different page?
Customer: You want me to type in the number?
CSR: No, click on the number.
Customer: Okay.
CSR: Did that take you to a different page?
Customer: No.
CSR: Did you click on the number?
Customer: I didn’t click on anything.
CSR: Click on the number.
Customer: What number?

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: loves three way calling and the mute button

Ditzy customer service rep #1: Isn’t there a country where they read right to left?
Ditzy customer service rep #2: Oh, yeah, isn’t that England?

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Overheard by: Way Underpaid HR Manager

Customer service rep to customer service rep: Dude, I totally fell asleep in the middle of that last call. The lady was like, uh, hello? I said, uh, yeah, sorry about that. My computer’s really slow.

Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: I can’t believe I work here…

CSR on phone: And what size product do you have?
Customer: Where do I find that?
CSR: It should be on the front of the label, probably on the bottom.
Customer: No, it’s not there. All it says there is ‘Eight fulozos.’
CSR: Uh… Do you mean ‘Eight fluid ounces’?
Customer: No… It says ‘Fulozos.’

1905 Aston Avenue
Carlsbad, California