Body Parts

Co-worker #1: Hey, Tex.
Co-worker #2: Why are you calling me Tex?
Co-worker #1: You are walking funny, like a Texan.
Co-worker #2: Oh yeah, my knees are sore.
Co-worker #1: Is it quarterly review time already?

80 South Street
Hopkinton, Massachusetts

Musician: Nice of you to join us.
Exec: Well, you were 30 minutes late; I went to take a shit!
Musician: You’re entitled to that.
Exec: I washed my hand if you want to shake it.

875 6th Avenue
New York, NY

Overheard by: N & S

Banker: You can’t leave your coffee cup on the edge of my desk. A client almost drank out of it today.
Secretary: You know you want to lick my rim.

2 South Main Street
Youngstown, Ohio

Co-worker #1: Isn’t it true that a tick can get into your ear and work its way into your brain?
Co-worker #2: No.
Co-worker #1: I’m worried that a tick or some kind of bug has worked its way into my brain…I’ve had an awful earache for about two weeks now.

3 Berkshire Boulevard
Bethel, Connecticut

Worker #1: Congratulations on your engagement and your new job! When is your last day?
Worker #2: Next Wednesday, thanks.
Worker #3: Are you leaving so soon because of that pooper ring on your finger?
Worker #2: “Pooper ring”?
Worker #3: Yes, you know…You had to take it in the pooper to get a ring that big.

1600 21st Street NW
Washington, DC

Guy #1: [Scratches his chest.]Guy #2: You ok?
Guy #1: Yeah… My chest itches. I shaved it.
Guy #2: You shaved your chest?
Guy #1: Yeah.
Guy #2: Why? That’s not like shaving your balls… You shave your balls, right?
Guy #1: Oh yeah, I shave everything below my belly button.

Mahwah, New Jersey

Chick: I never understood the design of that thing, but I've had it in my mouth a thousand times.
Dude: Yeah, me too.

Dental Office
Long Island, New York

Overheard by: I've never had it in mouth

Male employee #1: I am going out on a date tonight with a 4'11″ Filipina. She runs triathlons.
Male employee #2: That's short. You know, her head will be at about your stomach.
Male employee #1, after long pause: I kind of want her to break me.

Sacramento, California

Coworker #1: I don't want Grant to see my notes.
Coworker #2: You did say “notes,” right? Not “nuts”?

Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: It was a universal sentiment.

Desk monkey #1: I heard she and her boyfriend had Brazilian waxes done together. The man’s treatment is called the ‘free willy wax.’
Desk monkey #2: Oooh! Can you do that? I mean, you can’t wax a man’s balls!


Overheard by: Ouch!