
Blonde coworker: And I was like “way to throw me under the rug!”
Brunette coworker: Umm… it's “under the bus.” “Way to throw me under the bus.”
Male coworker: Get it? It hurts. If you were thrown under a bus it would hurt.
Blonde coworker: Well, it would hurt if someone was walking on the rug and you was under it!

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: jen

Read and Heed, Dear Reader

Make-up artist: I heard you broke your wiener.
Male performer: Damn it, who told you? You're the eighth person to ask me that this morning.
Make-up artist: Oh, Mike* told me.
Male performer: That guy!
Make-up artist: He's the wiener whisperer.

Adult Film Company
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: fetishgirl

Southern lady #1: Oh my goodness, I lost my ring!
Southern lady #2: Oh no! Let me help you look for it.
Southern lady #1: Well, I think I put it on today. Aw man, that's gonna bug me all day. Oh dear. Oh, wait… It's on my other hand! I found it!

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Coworker #1: There was a barn fire just outside of town. The whole barn was destroyed. The farmer was missing at first, but they found his remains in the barn. They are sending the remains to Toronto to figure out the cause of death.
Coworker #2: Burnt.
Coworker #1: Excuse me?
Coworker #2: Burnt.
Coworker #1: You are a sick fuck, know that?


Overheard by: Meesh

Assistant: A tree fell right on her house, so she said she won't be in today.
Supervisor: I wish a tree would fall on my house. I want a new kitchen so bad.

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Coworker #1: Did you hurt your foot?
Coworker #2: Why?
Coworker #1: Well, I thought you were limping the other day.
Coworker #2: Are you writing an unauthorized biography of me!?

Columbia, Missouri

Overheard by: Fluffy

Pregnant employee at coworker's baby shower: Oh, an anti-roll pillow! Thank you!
Male employee: What's it for?
Pregnant employee: To keep the baby from rolling onto his stomach and possibly suffocating in the crib.
Chatty woman: My two babies died from sleeping on their stomachs.
(stunned silence)
Chatty woman: Just kidding! (laughs)

Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: office monkey extraordinaire

Employee answering phone: Thank you for calling… (gets squirted with silly string) Aahh!
Customer: What?
Employee: I'm sorry, I just got shot in the face with something.

Scotts Valley, California

Overheard by: Mari

Intern: What do we do if there's a fire? Meet somewhere outside…or…
Quasi-supervisor: Hide under your desk.

Cleveland, Ohio

Coworker #1: Ouch!
Coworker #2: What happened?
Coworker #1: I'm bleeding–I hit my elbow on my desk and knocked a scab off.
Coworker #2: Ooooh, can I have it?
Everybody: Cheryl*!
Coworker #2: I can't help it! I just love scabs!

Regional Medical Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Yes, she's real