Writers and Editors

Editor #1: Every time I see a picture of a Krispy Kreme doughnut, I drool a little. Even though I don't really want one.
Editor #2: I'm that way with cocaine.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Editor: I don't think the parallel between origami and dead chicken is made well enough.

Austin, Texas

Director to editor, about shot in short film: If I had done all the moves right, I would have just come on her back.

Wilmywood, North Carolina

Overheard by: Actor

Magazine Editor: Can you help me? I think the stapler’s broken…See it’s broken because it doesn’t have any staples.

350 5th Avenue
New York, NY

Copy editor, muttering to herself: Party foul, for dubious misuse of the verb “finger.” (pause) Contractions are your friends! Will everyone stop being so damn British?!


Overheard by: musingvenus

Copywriter: Were you looking for me?
Designer: Sorry?
Copywriter: Before, when I was in that meeting…it looked like you were looking for me.
Designer: Ah…Where I walked over, sighed, and declared “Tragedy”; I was actually looking for the coffee. The window to your meeting room just happened to be behind the machine. You guys have better coffee than our side.

12655 Beatrice Street
Los Angeles, California

Random editor: Hey, busy day?
Obituary editor: No, not so busy.
Random editor: Well, that's good, right? People aren't dying?
Obituary editor: Makes for a very boring afternoon.

Post Office Road
Waldorf, Maryland

Editor: Did you see the paint in Jenny's new office?
Designer: Whoa! It looks like a doctor's office in a third world country in here.

Southern Maryland

Overheard by: has a good paint job

Copywriter: So David*, did you thank your wife for the candy she gave you yesterday?
David: In more ways than one.
Proofreader: A simple “yes” would have been sufficient.

Wausau, Wisconsin

Overheard by: Why am I the one blushing?

News producer, holding a bachelorette party: Who the hell counts calories on a penis sucker?

Jackson, Mississippi