
Cubicle mate on phone: Yeah, that’s so me. Wait, now what is this called? Well I’d rather be a dog walker than a porn star!

Topeka, Kansas

Coworker #1, as coworker #2 comes in late: Oh, hi! I thought you were in a ditch or something.
Coworker #2: Ooh, I wish!

5th Avenue
New York City, New York

Overheard by: Devil Spanker

Potential new hire: Hi, I'm Julie.
Existing employee Nice to meet you. Congratulations.
Potential new hire: Thanks. I hope it works out.
Existing employee: Okay then. Get well soon.

Charlestown, Massachusetts

Employee #1: Look at all that food you have there.
Employee #2: It’s going to give me a heart attack, but I love it; especially all the greasy bacon and sausage.
Employee #3: I wish I knew someone who knows CPR in case you have a coronary.
Employee #2: [Sean] and [Gina] are medics, they should know CPR.
Employee #1: What do they know about CPR? They are ambulance drivers.

2727 Walker Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Boss: Sometimes I wish all our clients would just die.


Loud partner to secretary, giving his lunch order: I don't want it spicy, but I don't want it un-spicy.
Secretary, pretending she knows exactly what he means: Oh, sure, okay.

Los Angeles, California

Overheard by: first year associate

Operations manager: What are some of your goals?
New hire: I want to have babies!
Operations manager: Ok… Do you have any goals in regards to your future with our company?
New hire: Sure, I want to do my job right, but I was really just born to have babies.

Dallas Parkway

Overheard by: Addy

Secretary: I'm getting an iPad.
Office tech: Oh, don't get one! I need to tell you all about it.
Secretary: I don't want to hear it.
Office tech: You don't want to know my opinion?
Secretary: No, you bore me, and you can't afford one anyway.

Auburn, Indiana

Coworker #1: Ugh. I don't feel like being at work today.
Coworker #2: I know. Don't you ever wish you could just fall out of bed in the morning and break both your legs so you could take a sick day?

Chicago, Illinois

Coworker to another: I can't wait to see your wife's baby making place.

Atlanta, Georgia