New York

Data manager to minion: Body parts aren’t nearly as uncomfortable as homicide.

New York City, New York

Overheard by: AureateCalyx

Boss: How was your day?
Employee miming pointing a gun to his head: Know what I mean? But it’s over now.
Boss: My father killed himself six months ago.
Employee: Did he use a gun?

47 Catherwood Road
Ithaca, New York

Overheard by: I prefer the

Producer: Sorry I couldn’t make your screening, but as you heard I was
drunk and asleep even by the time your call came around.

12 West 27th Street
New York, NY

Co-worker: You were listening in on me talking to myself and not understanding the conversation!

261 W. 35th Street
New York, NY

Overheard by: simon feil

Director: I feel so bad for Sarah!
Intern: Who?
Director: Sarah, from [xyz] Corp! She got fired!
Intern: Oh, that's terrible.
Director: I feel so bad! And she only has one arm!

New York City, New York

Lady peon #1: Man. I gave my mom her Christmas gift last night — you know, that DVD I got her yesterday — Rent.
Lady peon #2: Yeah.
Lady peon #1: Then I had to sit through two hours of that shit.
Lady peon #2: Is it that bad?
Lady peon #1: Nah, it ain’t that bad. It’s just all that damn singing…

Madison Avenue
New York, New York

Overheard by: Jake

President: You really need to stop asking so many questions and start figuring things out for yourself, especially when you are out producing jobs.
Worker: You’re right, I realize that. I’m trying harder.
President: And about this job you worked Saturday night; did you know what you were doing there?
Worker: To be honest, I wasn’t sure on some things.
President: Well, did you ask anyone what your role was supposed to be? If you don’t know something you really need to start asking questions. People are here to help you.

200 West 57th Street
New York, NY

Very tan woman: I’m going to pass out at this charity event. I don’t know where my lunch went.
Annoyed woman: What did you eat?
Very tan woman: A Cadbury’s creme egg and two sugar cookies.

1 New York Plaza
New York, NY

Overheard by: Preetham Mallikaruna

Female suit to vendor on phone: Oh my god, I've been calling you nonstop. I'm like a girl in a white dress at her wedding, and her groom isn't there, and she's been calling him for two hours. That's how I feel.

Union Square
New York City, New York

Overheard by: Julie

White female coworker, about guy holding exotic bird: That’s one of those talking birds.
Hispanic female coworker: Yeah, I’ve seen those before.
White female coworker: They can talk, but you can’t hold a conversation with them. They’re not that smart. They can’t answer when you ask them a question.
Hispanic female coworker: Uh-huh.

633 3rd Avenue
New York, New York

Overheard by: Appalled