New York

Plumber #1: So what about Jeanette?
Plumber #2: She pisses me off, man. That bitch pisses me off so much I want to cut her into little pieces. You know what I mean?
Plumber #1: I know what you mean.

Translated from the Spanish.

145 East 35th Street
New York, NY

Overheard by: Spooner

Worker #1: Do you have any time available to meet on Thursday?
Worker #2: It will be pretty tough; I have back to back meetings all day.
Worker #1: How about 11AM?
Worker #2: Okay, I have nothing scheduled at all between 9AM and 5PM.

140 Broadway
New York, NY

Overheard by: HardlyWorking

Head of sales: You came to this meeting on Monday morning and you know I’m going to be asking questions. So even if you don’t know the answers, make some shit up. You’re in sales, you have to sell, so make shit up!

1515 Broadway
New York, NY

Nurse #1: But don’t be swayed by the money.
Nurse #2: I’m not swayed by the money. I like being poor.

157 East 86th Street
New York, NY

Overheard by: Kira

Suit #1: Over on 49th, there’s a truck parked with a bunch of girls dancing in bikinis. It’s to promote Cancun.
Suit #2: For you it’s to promote a heart attack.

383 Madison Avenue
New York, NY

Tech Support: Okay, I need you to go to a command prompt and type
“‘mail from:’ your email address” and this should get you a connection.
User: It didn’t work.
Tech Support: Okay, so you typed “‘mail from:’ your email address” and it didn’t work for you?
User: Wait a minute. Did you say you wanted me to type “nail” or “mail”?

1010 Niagara Street
Buffalo, New York

Manager: We’re totally gonna win! We’re gonna build the holiday tower of pain!

101 Truman Avenue
Yonkers, New York

Secretary: I can’t talk to her any longer. She’s so disrespectful.
Boss: …Really.
Secretary: Yes! Can you please talk to her ’cause I’ve had enough.
Boss: Well, since we’ve been acquired by the new company, they’re really big on that.
Secretary: Huh?
Boss: You know. Respect. It used to be a lot easier around here.

1775 Broadway
New York, NY

Boss: I think there’s something wrong with my computer! You better call the help desk.
Assistant: Sure, what’s the problem?
Boss: Well, I logged into my computer this morning and I only have 5 emails.
Assistant: …And you usually have more.
Boss: Yes, I have at least 50 each morning.
Assistant: The help desk can only fix your computer, not your popularity. Sorry.

1775 Broadway
New York, NY

Employee on phone: Yeah, that’s a little redundant.
Boss: You can say that again.

1 Whitehall Street
New York, NY