
Oblivious female office worker: I really like getting adjusted. Some people say it hurts, but to me it feels so good! A good release of tension.
Male office worker: “Adjusted.” Is that what they call it now?
Oblivious female office worker: Yep, it has many names. I see my chiropractor for an adjustment two or three times a week.

Amarillo, Texas

Overheard by: Jeremy

Coworker #1: Have you ever seen “The Hills Have Eyes”?
Coworker #2: Nah, I don’t like horror movies about mutants.
Coworker #1: They’re not mutants. Okay, they like live in this town where the government did like nuclear testing and it…
Coworker #2: Turned them into mutants.
Coworker #1: Well I guess… Based on how you define mutant.
Coworker #2: Someone who is changed or ‘mutated’ by radioactive material… Mutant.
Coworker #1: Yeah? well they all lived in this town where they were doing testing.
Coworker #3: Oh yeah. I saw that one. It gets into the water supply and there’s like a big lawsuit!
Coworker #2: No dude, that’s “Erin Brockovich”
Coworker #3: Oh. Yeah.

E Golf Rd
Schaumburg, Illinois

Overheard by: Emily

CSR: May I have your name, please?
Customer: It's “Kathy.”
CSR: Just to verify, that's “k” for Kansas, “a” for apple, “t” for Tom, “h” for Harry, and “y” for, ummm…uhh…Wyoming?
Customer: Correct.

Quezon City

Older front desk agent to newer one: Hey, Michael, is your name Peter?

Las Vegas, Nevada

Frustrated coworker: I think I'm gonna have to rename my voodoo doll.


Overheard by: confused but amused

Very sketchy neighbor to two-year-old: Who gives a fuck about Dora?!


Overheard by: Irritated

Male worker on phone: Yeah, I always think your name is Victoria. I said, I always think your name is Victoria. No, I know that. I still think your name is Victoria.

1166 6th Avenue
New York, New York

Overheard by: Duncan

Intern: I wish I could remember Matt Damon's name in Good Will Hunting

Santa Fe Building
Denver, Colorado

Female intern: Another intern?
Male manager: Yup. You're not so new anymore.
Female intern: What's his name?
Male manager: Dick.
Female intern: Really? I know a Dick.
Male manager: Do you?
Female intern: Yeah, I know like three Dicks!

Richmond, Virginia

Overheard by: this wun guy

Email: Let's welcome Joe Smith to the company. He will report to Bill Scott.
Copywriter #1: I find it distressing when I don't recognize the names of the supervisors. Are you sure Mr. Scott isn't really a robot?
Copywriter #2: Mr. Scott has been with this organization for at least three years. He is not a robot…or if he is, they did a damn good job making him look human.
Copywriter #3: Sounds like something a fembot would say.

Wausau, Wisconsin