
Young son to dad: I love you, dad. (goes over and gives him a hug)
Dad: I told you to get away from me!

Roosevelt Field Mall
Garden City, New York

Overheard by: Reena

Boy to mother: There isn’t any licorice here!

Liquor Store, 1322 West 3rd Avenue
Spokane, Washington

Overheard by: Eric

Little girl, pointing to Coneheads DVD: Daddy, what’s wrong with those people?
Dad: Oh, they’re just from France.

Blockbuster, University Village
Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: David in Seattle

Seven-year-old daughter on speakerphone: I saw a cute mother-daughter necklace at the store. It said “if daughters were flowers I'd still pick you.” See, mom? I'm like a flower! I smell sweet!
Mother: Yeah, and when you die, I'll throw you away.

Pryor, Oklahoma

Overheard by: Danielle

Worker to coworker's toddler: I want one like you but I have no one to put it in.

Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: jarvisaurus

Mother: Tell your aunt what you want to be when you grow up.
2-Year-Old son: A plastic surgeon!
Mother: And why is that?
2-Year-Old son: Because Mommy needs work!

Miss Saigon Café
Hurst, Texas

Overheard by: needo

Teen daughter: Daddy, Daddy, the pink Razr is on sale. Will you buy it for me now? You promised!
Father: No, I don’t need you to get pregnant. Now let’s go!

4350 Joslyn Road
Auburn Hills, Michigan

Overheard by: rahneej

Hipster teen on phone: Oh, that was awesome! Like a combination of Fergie and Jesus!

Barnes & Noble
Greenfield, Wisconsin

Overheard by: darkhorse

Son: Do you believe in animal testing?
Mother: Yes and no. I think that it’s fine to do it on all of the extra animals taking up space out there who don’t belong to anyone, but when they take people’s pets from their homes for testing, I think that’s wrong.

4420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Father: Did you wash your hands?
Five-year-old kid returning from bathroom: Ummm… I’m pretty sure I didn’t get poop on them.

Dental office
Tigard, Oregon

Overheard by: Robin