Attorney’s wife: I’m getting so fat.
Attorney: You’re not fat.
Attorney’s wife: Aw, well…
Attorney interrupts: You’re old. You just look fat.
319 West Woodlawn Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky
Attorney’s wife: I’m getting so fat.
Attorney: You’re not fat.
Attorney’s wife: Aw, well…
Attorney interrupts: You’re old. You just look fat.
319 West Woodlawn Avenue
Louisville, Kentucky
Tubby manager: I need to lose some weight.
Blunt manager: How about you quit eating like a twelve-year-old whose parents aren't home from work yet, chunk-style?
Circle Centre Mall
Indianapolis, Indiana
Overheard by: Shatmandu
Loud guy from corner cubicle: You will just never believe this, I am the heaviest I have been in my entire life. That's what working here for ten years will do to you.
Quiet woman who shares cubicle: Well, at least you know you won't blow away.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Overheard by: not that heavy
Administrator (filling water bottle at cooler): Hey.
Office worker (walking by): Hey.
Administrator: How are you?
Office worker: Good.
Administrator: How is the baby?
Office worker: Fat.
Hanover Square
New York City, New York
Overheard by: Mr. Uncreative
Supervisor: Marlene*, I’m stuck in my chair again.
10105 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Street North
St. Petersburg, Florida
Overheard by: Michael John
Office worker on phone: She squeezed my ass this time but I did get a kiss…when you've got 250 pounds of Wisconsin looming at ya, your options are limited, all you can do is brace for the impact!
Sterling, Virginia
Overheard by: Scandalized Receptionist
Woman #1: So my phone rings at like 2 in the morning and I was sleeping, so now I’m fricken pissed that my phone is ringing at 2 in the morning. It’s one of my husbands friends and he says, “I need a place to stay, I just got kicked out of my house. My brother–” blah, blah, blah, blah. So I told him he could stay for a few days, but only for a few and then he had to leave. So he said he’d be right over, and I waited and waited and waited. Well, the son of a bitch never came…So that ruined my whole fricken night! So my husband is still asleep, and I haven’t told him yet that his friend is staying at our house, but he wasn’t here yet so…So I go on doing my usual morning shit, and I go out to get the paper when something on the porch catches my eye. It was a bunch of garbage bags, and I’m thinking, “What the hell?”. Tom brought the garbage out, why the frick would he put it on the porch? So I walk over to go and put them in the garbage bin, when I see this huge man sitting on my porch. It was Tom’s friend, and I asked him how long he’d been out there. He said, “Since 1 AM.” And I’m thinking, “Jesus Christ, thank God my neighbors didn’t call the goddamn police.” I mean I can just picture this man sleeping on my porch, he’s so damn big…So I had this beached whale on my fricken porch all night long. So then I asked him if he wanted some coffee, and Orca comes in the house and tells me he got a ride, and that I needed to drive all the way out to Springville to get his van. His van that had no gas. Meanwhile, I still need to tell my husband…so I go in and I wake him up and I said, “Congratulations hon, we have a 400 pound baby boy.” He just looked at me like I was fricken nuts. So after I explained everything to him he came down, and you know…blah blah blah. I make the couch up for Orca and I put down some clean sheets, well the next morning I come downstairs and…he was laying on my couch with no shirt on. Ugh, I’m going to have to burn my couch. You don’t seem to understand how big he is. His stomach wasn’t even touching the couch. It was hanging off of it. When he sits down his belly button reaches his nose. He could probably use it as a beer holder. Well I hear this whirring noise and he’s got on a fricken oxygen mask, and honestly I didn’t know he couldn’t breathe…I mean, the man seems to smoke and drink just fine. But literally his stomach is so huge. He’s got a dickdo.
Woman #2: A dickdo?
Woman #1: When his stomach sticks out further than his dick do.
1695 E. Ave
Buffalo, New York
Assistant: She says “I lost 145 pounds!” and I'm all “well, of course you did. You gave birth”.
Baltimore, Maryland
Secretary #1: You know, purging…it's gross, but it works.
Secretary #2: Yeah, and it only takes a few weeks to work.
Secretary #3: Whatever it takes, I guess.
Atlanta, Georgia
Boss to chubby young female coworker: Hey, why are you jingling?
Chubby young female co-worker (after brief pause): Umm, because I'm fat.
Boss (horrified): Wait… What?! No, no, not “jiggle” …jingle!
Chubby young female coworker (laughing): Oooooooh! (lifts up foot and gives it a shake) I have little bells on my socks!
New Market, Maryland