
20-something girl: I hate coming here, it's always cold and my nipples get hard.
20-something friend: That never happens to me… Is that like getting a hard-on or something?

Resort and Casino
Ledyard, Connecticut

Overheard by: fxwd

Female admin: I'll be in charge of this project–it'll be my baby.
Safety trainer: Retarded?

Storrs, Connecticut

Supervisor on speakerphone: Hold on a sec, I've got another call. Hello, this is Mark*.
Caller: Yes, am I in the right place?
Supervisor: I don't know, who were you trying to reach?
Caller: Is this the number for the internet?
Supervisor: No, I'm sorry, this is a state agency.
Caller: This isn't the internet?
Supervisor: Nope, sorry.
Caller: Oh, darn, okay bye.
Supervisor (back to the other line): Well, that was a first.

Newington, Connecticut

Overheard by: but please give it my regards. I'm a huge fan.

Young boy: Mom! We’ve been in line for a really long time!!
Mother: No, not really. Stop complaining.
Young boy: Yes we have! We got here at 10:00, and it’s almost 12:30!!
Mother: Damn the public school system for teaching you how to tell time.

Enfield, Connecticut

Overheard by: Dark_Kitty

Girl to friends: Whoa, it looks like I underestimated my boobs this morning. Does anyone have a safety pin?

Bloomfield, Connecticut

Experienced woman: So, Chuck* came over last night and made me sit on his face.
Inexperienced woman: Why? Does that, like, help breathing or something?

21 Oak Street
Hartford, Connecticut

Customer service rep: I don’t know what that is, but let me explain it to you.

Wallingford, Connecticut

Overheard by: Cubicle Co-Worker

Macho boss, puzzled: What's a BFF?

Stamford, Connecticut

Overheard by: Chris

Coworker: Oh, you know what? I'm retarded.

East Windsor, Connecticut

Admin #1: I have to have my green tea to protect me from other people's colds!
Coworker: It's too early for cold season. Yes, do whatever it takes to stay healthy.
Admin #1: Yes, and I also like echinacea but dont have any.
Admin #2: Ah, I like euthanasia too.
Admin #2: Wait, what's the difference between euthanasia and echinacea anyways?

Fairfield County, Connecticut