
Co-worker #1: God! I hate it when those two have to work together! It’s so painful. It’s like watching a monkey and a dolphin try to build a house.
Co-worker #2: I think you underestimate the communication skills of wildlife.

150 Broadway
New York, NY

Chair: The beauty of this meeting is that we don’t need to make any decisions.

2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC

Worker #1: Congratulations on your engagement and your new job! When is your last day?
Worker #2: Next Wednesday, thanks.
Worker #3: Are you leaving so soon because of that pooper ring on your finger?
Worker #2: “Pooper ring”?
Worker #3: Yes, you know…You had to take it in the pooper to get a ring that big.

1600 21st Street NW
Washington, DC

Programmer returning from extended bathroom break: You know, I don’t want to include too much information, but my pants fit much better now.

1900 Richmond Road
Cleveland, Ohio

Overheard by: The Surly Programmer

Coworker: Whoever invented coffee was amazing!!

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: thought God did that?

Suit #1: He was an okay analyst and he knew a lot about the markets, but–
Suit #2, interrupting: –So what was the problem?
Suit #1: Well, he was from the South so he couldn’t write very well.

110 Wall Street
New York, New York

Male worker to female lunch companion: See, the good thing about you is that you can really pack it in. I mean, most girls can’t do that.

12th and G Street NW
Washington, DC

Overheard by: i like to eat too

Peon: Did you see that chick last night? She was so hot. After the meeting, Eric* made a beeline for her.
Co-worker: Oh, yeah? She was hot?
Peon: Well, in the real world she was probably like a 7, but in the lawyer world, she’s like a 12.

West Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Julianna

Boss: Whoever invented cheese is a great American.
Coworker: Cheese wasn’t invented by an American.
Boss: Well, whoever did invent it should be made an American.

Austin, Texas

Salesperson to another: Wow! I like your new pants? (pause) Do they fit you?

Plattsburgh, New York