
30-something communications manager: I've learned to love my wild gay hairs… “Gray” hairs!

Las Vegas, Nevada

Overheard by: Sex Writer Goddess

Customer, in clown makeup on Halloween: I'm so drunk right now I don't even care about my big, green twat lips.

Austin, Texas

Overheard by: intrigued

Facilities guy, as five IT staffers walk past: What is this, it on parade?
IT guy: Yes, we ran out of pink elephants.

Seattle, Washington

Clueless customer: Hi, I'm looking for this book that I read a review about, I was wondering if you could help me.
Knows-the-drill employee: Okay, what's the title?
Clueless customer: I don't remember.
Knows-the-drill employee: Do you know who wrote it?
Clueless customer: No… I know that the book had a yellow cover, though.
Knows-the-drill employee: Okay, let's see what we can find here in yellow…

Mays Landing, New Jersey

Web editor: I'm a very colorful person. You have to get to know me before you see all the colors of my rainbow.
Reporter: I think we just had a Skittles moment.

Huntsville, Alabama

Overheard by: Niki D.

Architect: You pick out those colors yet?
Designer: Yep, right there.
Architect: Wow, those are bright… I was thinking more like this.
Designer: You told me green and orange, those are olive and rust!

Phoenix, Arizona

Manager on phone: I'm faxing you a copy of this color chart.


Coworker: I should ask Mary if I could trade my pink one for her white one.

Richardson, Texas

Boss, grabbing a document of black and white printer: Who has the color version of this document? Every time I print it, it's in black and white.

Memphis, Tennessee

Coworker, calling IT department: Hi, I am running low on pixel fluid for my monitor.

Hagerstown, Maryland