
50-something coworker: Oh, tell him your cross-dressing story!
20-something coworker: Which one?
50-something coworker: The one from the weekend!
20-something coworker: Oh, right!

Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: Good Weekend, Huh?

Boss: I hate these inappropriate pants!

202 West 1st Street
Los Angeles, California

Old lady in wheelchair: My first car's name was Chelsea.
Girl, pushing wheelchair: Oh, I have jeans and they are Chelsea, too… Bootcut, though.

Toledo, Ohio

Overheard by: jullylully

Coworker: It's like looking at livestock. Bull walks by? Oh, it's a bull. Cow walks by? Oh, it's a cow. Lady Gaga walks by? Oh, it's Lady Gaga without her pants again!


Annoyed female coworker: Stupid pants! Get in my crotch!

Atlanta, Georgia

Overheard by: B. Rye

Ditzy office peon looking at pregnant celebrity in magazine: It looks like she's wearing one of those sha…sha-long things, ya know, that you carry a baby in.
Girl: Don't you mean “sarong”?
Male office peon: Hahaha you said “shlong”!

Central Avenue
Wood Dale, Illinois

Coworker on phone: It's a shoe… or a snake.

Lawrence, Kansas

Confused male call center worker: What are you doing?
Female coworker, shaking dress after hours of cutting off split ends: I've got hair on my thing and it's itchy.


Office drone, surfing the net: I can't find an image of a woman in a prison jumpsuit that would fit in a shopping cart…

Manhattan, New York

Secretary #1: Is your boyfriend coming for Christmas?
Secretary #2: Yeah! He's in med school in Seattle studying to be an ER doc, so I don't get to see him much.
Female doctor, just coming into room: Them! Don't get me started on ER docs!
Secretary #1: Oh?
Doctor: They can't keep their pants on–and the married ones are worse!

Albany General Hosptial
Albany, Oregon