
Corporate suit: They were wearing, like, you know, trashy Old Navy golf shirts.

Plainsboro, New Jersey

Overheard by: Wow.

Server girl (about black guy in pink shirt): Wow, look at that pink shirt that guy's wearing!
Server boy: What about it? I think it looks kinda cool.
Server girl: But who would wear that?
Server boy: That guy obviously.
Server girl: Okay, you're right, it's okay on him…but on a person?
Server boy: That's fucked up.

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Overheard by: server thenn, idiot now

Supervisor to associate, about smell complaints: Maybe it's something in your drawers… Umm…I mean your desk drawers.

Rancho Cucamonga, California

Male bank teller: Tall people should wear big boots, and short people should wear short boots!
Female bank teller: Naw.
Male bank teller: Yes!
Female bank teller: Naw.
Male bank teller: Yes!

Pratt Institute
Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: Josh

Female boss, yelling to male coworker down the hall: Is he going to wear his shirt, Mark?

Louisville, Kentucky

Overheard by: Christine

Slightly chubby male worker to supervisor: My Speedo has nothing to do with this!


Overheard by: Jon

Hot lady staring at coworker's wet pants: Did you just piss on your pants?
Male coworker: No, that's semen.


Overheard by: mito

Female clerk: Did you eat yet?
Male clerk: Yeah, I’ve been here since 1:30.
Female clerk: Ooh! Then can I lint-brush you?

Convenience Store
Brighton, Massachusetts

Female suit: So I was on the elevator with him, and had to explain to Roger Ailes why I was in a bra and panties.

FOX News Headquarters
Manhattan, New York

Overheard by: Newsbunny

Woman in line at Starbucks, on cell: They stripped me, in the office, to my bra and underwear! (phone beeps) Just a minute. (switches to waiting call) Yeah? Yeah, I can get you an oatmeal.

Honolulu, Hawaii

Overheard by: Jade Buddha